Friday, 10 June 2016

Sweet, Sweeter, Sweetest

Cloudy morning, Sunny morning, Sweet morning,
whatever you want, you can paint it in your mysterious mind. Actually the attitude of your mind plays a major role in experiencing your own joy and bliss. It is the mind, that plan your fate and  your fate is your own creation.

Let us prepare morning tea[ tea can be taken at any time of day, but to a limited amount...three cup in a day is enough]

for one cup

mix 1/4th of cup of milk with 3/4th cup of water, then boil. Add ginger as per your taste. Add tea leaf.
Bring  a cup... pour sugar as per your habit[less is good]. Pour above mixture.

 sip calmly. You will find your tea
 from sweet,
to sweeter,
then sweetest.

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