Friday, 21 October 2016

my worries
I am a mother.
My real and natural aim is to protect my children from anything unfair, mental or physical.
In that ill-fated day, due to short-circuit fire consumed some part of hospital and patient died in suffocation as the hospital was enveloped with smoke.
Yes, due to the brave rescue operation of the Govt. no one burnt.
My children are there as fresh medical students.
Now the owner of the hospital is imprisoned.
Of course, hospital and the medical college is under the trust.
Still I feel worries.
1- the hospital was giving lots of services to the people.
2- why did in future people want to be the owner of such a large institution and serve?
3- Due to suffocation patient died. What prevented Govt. not to look after the safety measures of such types of institution sufficiently before.
4- What will be the fate of the all medical student, if hospital will be closed? In their curriculum practical is a most.
Amid everything I also know that, nothing is static.
So, in such chaotic moment one should calm down and wait the time to judge.

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