Thursday 13 December 2018

Here's how I chose my word for 2019.
I thought about what will actually matter when I'm 80.
  • my relationship with my Baba
  • my relationship with my family
  • my physical health
  • my writing
The problem is that as I am in a day job , I sometimes struggle to make the right room for these things.
 I'm not  very project focused and check things from my list.
That I should take care. I should be project focused and complete them one by one.
So here's my plan for the year .
I'm going to work at making space.
I'll keep getting up at 5 AM, but I'll avoid the computer until I've exercised, listen Murli  and meditate.
Evening Routine
I'll keep working like tidying my desk and filling out the next day's to do list.Give time to my two children.
I'll continue to avoid face book etc. so that I can spend my limited work time doing what really matters ...


  I looked outside the window  and discovered a morning enveloped by  fog  and again fantasized it as a land of angels  for my meeting to li...