Tuesday, 22 December 2015

toil to the last

Actually nobody knows what is in future. No one can foresight it. So, your work is more important to make your dream true. The only way is work more...dream less. Of course, dreaming is not under your control. Mind is there to force you to dream. But, work is in your control. So, work and work. Consider the dream as a part of your relaxation and plan to do work. Try to help other and think about other. This will gift you bunches of blessing. Be a lover ... love the people around and the nature of course, as you are the part of nature.
Don't destroy your time in unfruitful work. Spent your precious time to do something special.
Be brave to say 'no' if this is required. Be happy. Write a journal to know your own dream and to look your own life closely. Believe, that will work to load some amount of fuel for each day to run and enjoy the life.
 Yes, sometime depression attacks and sometime the feelings of loneliness. Here your own journal and the nature around will come with a soft smile to rescue you.
 Think your work as God and toil to the last.

(copy right)Sarojini Pattayat. 22/12/2015. ODISHA

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