Friday, 18 December 2015

The Fiscal policy

If we will closely review a project, we can form some basic ideas to learn and develop. Even home budgeting needs a fiscal policy to achieve something within a certain period of time. We should give some time for touching the success in following basics.

1. Before implementation of a project, we should go for survey.
2. We should think a little bit for future need of this project and also think about its good and bad effects.
3. We should make a prospective plan.
4. We should think of the sources of fund.
5. We should think about the revenue we will get from it if we are successfully implement it.
6. If we are borrowing , we should think how to repay the loan.
7. We should think about engagement of specialised person and also plan to handle the human resources available with us.
8. As we are in the age of internet, we should use the it sector for success of the project with limited human resources.
9.We should keep some fund for unforeseen expenditure.

Home or office, finance is always important. Don't be hurry. Give little time for planning the project before actual implementation. Time factor is also very important to chose a project and get success.

+Sarojini Pattayat .18/12/2015


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