Tuesday, 15 December 2015

I don't know...

Managing work and literature at the same time is no doubt hazardous. Still this is the easy way to escape the pressure of life. Have you ever think a little beyond your daily work! Please give some time to your inner clamouring soul. Open your window and look outside or fall deeper within you to find out something interesting waiting you from ages to talk. You are here to do something unique. You are not at all a sluggish soul to weep in vacuum. You have to overcome every hazard and proof yourself among other.

It is raining. Yes after a long wait my city is feeling the touch of rain. The touch is so soft and beautiful and the smell of earth is amazing. Can you ever feel you are the most loving part of this nature? nature always try to give you ample support to walk ahead. Recall everything from your childhood. You will be astonished to find out  the list of helps you have got to live till this day. What if such helping hand never  ever appeared in your life. No religion ever preach to be kind, lovable and cultured. Look around. You are able to find out a path beyond the mist to live peacefully and touch the achievement.

Really I don't know ...how you will find it?
 You are your master to get inspirations and walk ahead. Don't hesitate to pause a little and understand the language of time . Listen it carefully and chose the opportunity standing before you.

Be brave to understand yourself and look towards your own fault to admit and rectify. Its very important.

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