Wednesday, 2 December 2015

About writing

Sh!!...want to tell you the secret. You want to be a writer. Do you know, there is no secret of writing. In my travel in the creative world, I myself discovered the way to write. The only secret is your love towards writing. Your love only can take you in this path to unveil the moments...your past, present and future and lot of experiences of life to write down. Whenever you are getting time, write down.

I want to share my experience of the morning today. After lot of days I wanted to go for a walk to have fresh air and listen the secret song of nature. My loving husband wanted to accompany me. I said - 'Okay, let's go'. He was talking about his office, files and I was in my own world of creative. On the way I meet drizzle. I told,-" lovely..." . He said-' we will fall ill.' I also found leafs falling down with brisk movements. I was with those feelings. And my husband's concentration was , how to reach home. And now you can understand the way of thinking between creative feelings and feelings of the reality. Most important is to catch those things what are not observing by any other. It is you , who will discover. No one can help you in this world of creativity.

So, now jump into the world of creativity and explore your passion.

Sarojini Pattayat.

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