Monday, 21 December 2015

 An adventure.

In the mean time Ramanuja became cool. He is not at all wants to share his personal thought with others. The society don't want his philosophy , he is convinced now. He has to do now only one thing to get peace. He will write a journal and keep it for his future family member. But, he should write to avoid difficulties. He has to write, that's all his sole ambition.
 He prepared himself. He brought his old diaries. He looked at them. All were dusty and looking dull. He brought a piece of soft cloth and began to clean them. He brought some colour and explore his childhood there. His two years son was taking interest of his father's act. He came there to help him. His wife was smiling and gave him a cup of hot coffee to get more inspiration. After a few moment he looked at his old diaries. All are new now with new look just like some close friend to go for an adventure. He was happy... hug his son and told his wife 'thanks', for her support.

(copy right) Sarojini Pattayat. Odisha.21/12/2015

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