Friday, 4 December 2015

I am little busy today. Still want to write as it is my passion. I visited today the   site of a film where I am the script writer. This is my first experience to  work  in the film line. It is interesting to work in a team. People in makeup look different. I loved the set, a beautiful house with all modern facility. Each one in the set had a story to tell and I wanted to write each story. The furniture , the painting, the utensils, the glass window and the balcony and all the people around were interesting. I took launch there with the team. It was delicious , home made food... plain rice, dal, mixed vegetable, pickle... mmm... I loved it.

The director of the film  is trying to put his all effort to bring everything of the story to visual. I felt,  to write a story/script is easier than making a film. As a script writer you will feel more joy looking your characters  performing before you.
I returned from the set and on the way purchased a  stone grinding device[ sila]  for my kitchen to grind all spices to make my curry more delicious.

To achieve joy is the only aim of life.
Be positive to earn it from your work and occupation.

Sarojini Pattayat. 04/12/2015

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