Wednesday, 30 December 2015

With the soft smile 2015 is trying to leave us forever.
Let's  give it a peaceful 'bye'...
In this mortal earth
Everything will vanish one day.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

toil to the last

Actually nobody knows what is in future. No one can foresight it. So, your work is more important to make your dream true. The only way is work more...dream less. Of course, dreaming is not under your control. Mind is there to force you to dream. But, work is in your control. So, work and work. Consider the dream as a part of your relaxation and plan to do work. Try to help other and think about other. This will gift you bunches of blessing. Be a lover ... love the people around and the nature of course, as you are the part of nature.
Don't destroy your time in unfruitful work. Spent your precious time to do something special.
Be brave to say 'no' if this is required. Be happy. Write a journal to know your own dream and to look your own life closely. Believe, that will work to load some amount of fuel for each day to run and enjoy the life.
 Yes, sometime depression attacks and sometime the feelings of loneliness. Here your own journal and the nature around will come with a soft smile to rescue you.
 Think your work as God and toil to the last.

(copy right)Sarojini Pattayat. 22/12/2015. ODISHA

Monday, 21 December 2015

 An adventure.

In the mean time Ramanuja became cool. He is not at all wants to share his personal thought with others. The society don't want his philosophy , he is convinced now. He has to do now only one thing to get peace. He will write a journal and keep it for his future family member. But, he should write to avoid difficulties. He has to write, that's all his sole ambition.
 He prepared himself. He brought his old diaries. He looked at them. All were dusty and looking dull. He brought a piece of soft cloth and began to clean them. He brought some colour and explore his childhood there. His two years son was taking interest of his father's act. He came there to help him. His wife was smiling and gave him a cup of hot coffee to get more inspiration. After a few moment he looked at his old diaries. All are new now with new look just like some close friend to go for an adventure. He was happy... hug his son and told his wife 'thanks', for her support.

(copy right) Sarojini Pattayat. Odisha.21/12/2015

Saturday, 19 December 2015

I don't know how it happened...
It happens every day...
Our quarrel.

Psychologist says, it happens ;
We love each other more and more.

In my lonely corner
When I cry and smile...
It is only because we quarrel each day.

Really how funny!
Time passes  with its smiling lips to make me crazy day by day,
for you , I swear...

copy right, Sarojini Pattayat,19/12/2015,ODISHA

Friday, 18 December 2015

 Two parallel lines

It was the moment
everything colourful
like the morning sky,
The bay was lonely to give me real space...
 to think only about you.
The glittering sand was compelling me
to go into the childhood days again,
to dream the coral island where perhaps you were the only sailor to rescue me
from my dullness ...
I am sure
you might be at that point of time thinking about my real existence.

At present
I am here very close to you,
Still we are in our own world
never to cross each other
and moving like two parallel lines
influencing each other till end.

copy right. sarojini pattayat.18/12/2015
The Fiscal policy

If we will closely review a project, we can form some basic ideas to learn and develop. Even home budgeting needs a fiscal policy to achieve something within a certain period of time. We should give some time for touching the success in following basics.

1. Before implementation of a project, we should go for survey.
2. We should think a little bit for future need of this project and also think about its good and bad effects.
3. We should make a prospective plan.
4. We should think of the sources of fund.
5. We should think about the revenue we will get from it if we are successfully implement it.
6. If we are borrowing , we should think how to repay the loan.
7. We should think about engagement of specialised person and also plan to handle the human resources available with us.
8. As we are in the age of internet, we should use the it sector for success of the project with limited human resources.
9.We should keep some fund for unforeseen expenditure.

Home or office, finance is always important. Don't be hurry. Give little time for planning the project before actual implementation. Time factor is also very important to chose a project and get success.

+Sarojini Pattayat .18/12/2015


Thursday, 17 December 2015

I was never before so helpless. She was leaving me... She was my friend, yeah, she was my only friend... I don't know , whether I will ever find her in this world of changing atmosphere. In the lonely corner of the park , I was waiting her leaving me for ever...
 Can it be possible??
 I could not think what really she wanted from me... a jobless youth of 26years old. She had not even promised  to see me again in future. How could she ever forget me??
 I was in a puzzle.
 Can I ever think a day without her?
 The whole park was slowly becoming terrible for me. I promised - never to come again to this ominous park where my girl friend left me alone...

copy right, Sarojini Pattayat.17/12/2015
I was never before so helpless. She was leaving me... She was my friend, yeah, she was my only friend... I don't know , whether I will ever find her in this world of changing atmosphere. In the lonely corner of the park , I was waiting her leaving me for ever...
 Can it be possible??
 I could not think what really she wanted from me... a jobless youth of 26years old. She had not even promised  to see me again in future. How could she ever forget me??
 I was in a puzzle.
 Can I ever think a day without her?
 The whole park was slowly becoming terrible for me. I promised - never to come again to this ominous park where my girl friend left me alone...

copy right, Sarojini Pattayat.17/12/2015

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

I don't know...

Managing work and literature at the same time is no doubt hazardous. Still this is the easy way to escape the pressure of life. Have you ever think a little beyond your daily work! Please give some time to your inner clamouring soul. Open your window and look outside or fall deeper within you to find out something interesting waiting you from ages to talk. You are here to do something unique. You are not at all a sluggish soul to weep in vacuum. You have to overcome every hazard and proof yourself among other.

It is raining. Yes after a long wait my city is feeling the touch of rain. The touch is so soft and beautiful and the smell of earth is amazing. Can you ever feel you are the most loving part of this nature? nature always try to give you ample support to walk ahead. Recall everything from your childhood. You will be astonished to find out  the list of helps you have got to live till this day. What if such helping hand never  ever appeared in your life. No religion ever preach to be kind, lovable and cultured. Look around. You are able to find out a path beyond the mist to live peacefully and touch the achievement.

Really I don't know you will find it?
 You are your master to get inspirations and walk ahead. Don't hesitate to pause a little and understand the language of time . Listen it carefully and chose the opportunity standing before you.

Be brave to understand yourself and look towards your own fault to admit and rectify. Its very important.

Monday, 14 December 2015



December drizzle;
just opened its petal
a marigold bud...

(c)Sarojini Pattayat

Thursday, 10 December 2015

  Sleeping in the Ancient History
As the sun sets

the poet takes a nap
Dreams become great
makes her tired
Her imagination were coloured

she keeps talking
She tries to read the history,






when the time bypasses your dream
She looks at the time and wonders
how long it will take?
She tries to concentrate…

[copy right]
sarojini pattayat
  Once I saw a squirrel on a bright winter day

No grief left, just a squirrel white and grey

No blush of hunger, no grief was seen

as it was jumping besides the spring

And as the sun was hot,

the wind smiling through trees

about a bright soul

 I got in me

the squirrel


[copy right]
sarojini pattayat

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

allover the garden,
On their soft wings
the love letters
Last smile of autumn.

Copyright Sarojini Pattayat

Friday, 4 December 2015

I am little busy today. Still want to write as it is my passion. I visited today the   site of a film where I am the script writer. This is my first experience to  work  in the film line. It is interesting to work in a team. People in makeup look different. I loved the set, a beautiful house with all modern facility. Each one in the set had a story to tell and I wanted to write each story. The furniture , the painting, the utensils, the glass window and the balcony and all the people around were interesting. I took launch there with the team. It was delicious , home made food... plain rice, dal, mixed vegetable, pickle... mmm... I loved it.

The director of the film  is trying to put his all effort to bring everything of the story to visual. I felt,  to write a story/script is easier than making a film. As a script writer you will feel more joy looking your characters  performing before you.
I returned from the set and on the way purchased a  stone grinding device[ sila]  for my kitchen to grind all spices to make my curry more delicious.

To achieve joy is the only aim of life.
Be positive to earn it from your work and occupation.

Sarojini Pattayat. 04/12/2015

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Today is PADHUAN ASTAMI ( celebrated for the first child of the parents. The first child put on new cloth and family celebrates the occasion with different types of sweets and cake. Among them cake wrapped in turmeric leaf is important. the ingredients  for the  dough are uncooked rice,  dal, coconut etc.).
My friend called me to have these pitha [cake] with khiri [sweet dish made of rice, milk  and sugar].
 We are in the world of rapid change. But, I am to say that we should not be blind to our culture. Our cultural heritage is full of valuable advice to make our life beautiful and peaceful. With our busy schedule we should maintain it to keep it for our future generation.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

About writing

Sh!!...want to tell you the secret. You want to be a writer. Do you know, there is no secret of writing. In my travel in the creative world, I myself discovered the way to write. The only secret is your love towards writing. Your love only can take you in this path to unveil the moments...your past, present and future and lot of experiences of life to write down. Whenever you are getting time, write down.

I want to share my experience of the morning today. After lot of days I wanted to go for a walk to have fresh air and listen the secret song of nature. My loving husband wanted to accompany me. I said - 'Okay, let's go'. He was talking about his office, files and I was in my own world of creative. On the way I meet drizzle. I told,-" lovely..." . He said-' we will fall ill.' I also found leafs falling down with brisk movements. I was with those feelings. And my husband's concentration was , how to reach home. And now you can understand the way of thinking between creative feelings and feelings of the reality. Most important is to catch those things what are not observing by any other. It is you , who will discover. No one can help you in this world of creativity.

So, now jump into the world of creativity and explore your passion.

Sarojini Pattayat.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

My office chamber

It's good as per my desire,
my office chamber
cool to take you to any level of life.

You can peer through the windows
touch the world outside'
Can feel the smile of the wild flowers waiting your love.

You can listen
the talk of pigeons  and their babies
and draft their tale calmly
for your leisure
and smile.

softness of nature
stands for your new discovery.

My office chamber
I love it from my heart
has stored the past, and present
for a step towards glory.

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...