Saturday, 28 October 2017

The free writing
It is certainly not the time to write, but to plant the seed of words for future cheers. In my opinion, writing is the hardest when you did not step into it. Once you put your words, it will flow like a stream with unusual amounts of water what you edit later and keep your writing wonderful.
The aim may not be always publishing, but you can enjoy writing and gift yourself.
In my office chamber, after reading a lot my mind took little rest to warm up. While closing my eyes I felt the air journey to Punchgani and could visualize and feel the hour. It was marvelous. I thought myself in the plane and passing through the clouds and looking the green earth from the window. I could visualize and that made me happy. Thus, I could feel happiness through writing and it is the positive vibrations to make me practice the free writing. In addition, I thought about how a charted accountant or a company secretary prepared their documents, and within some days prepared a book of accounts to put before the board of directors to discuss and took decisions of the company. Writing is nothing, but accumulations of information and stories, first to satisfy the writer and then to the reader. Therefore, writing is good for everybody, writer or not he may be. It is the way to destroy the monotonous life style and it is a medium to talk with your own self. Criticizing other is easy. But, talking and criticizing yourself is a tough task, no doubt.
The day will come and day will go. But, for a person who writes, passing of the day without any writing is painful. It is painful, because lamenting over ‘not writing’ continues in spite of your own excuses. Therefore, it is better to write anything and everything daily in whatever time you have. Reading how to write or to be jealous about the progress of your fellow writer can never bring any satisfactory results. Working in your writing place with a computer or simply with pen-paper will satisfy your ego of writing. Otherwise pathetic can be your life if you wish to be a writer. A simple step for writing a letter to any closer one can help you to pass on the depressing zone of writer’s block. It is better in comparison to gazing at the blank screen or crying over the blank paper.

So, please write.
This is the nectar you have in this earth to survive.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Golden image

The morning sky was cloudy with occasional drizzle. It can be endured, less cold, not harmful. Over the table lays a journal and beside it a hot cup of coffee, not bad.

Mayuri walking inside her home. It is necessary.

She now goes to the table sip tea. Her eyes have different images, the images of past, present and future. She now sits comfortably and put her running thoughts over the taste of tea. She looks at the tea cup. She remembered, she had brought it from Panchgani, Moharashtra, when she was there for an official training.Ah! what were those days. She was independent of all her burdens to learn and move like a school girl.She finished her tea, wrote to-do-list in her daily journal and prepared breakfast in the kitchen. Still clouds were there to make her feel-bad.

-"Okay, clouds, stop there and recite your best gloomy poetry. I am not going to encourage you by my clapping. I am also not interested to make you go away like 'rain, rain go away, come again another day.'I am not going to do anything to you. I am enjoying my work."

She listened her favorite chirps. She came out of the kitchen. Her favorite tiny brown birds were over the tin roof tapping. Golden sunshine was reflecting over their wings. A dragonfly was flying there with golden beauty.

OMG, golden image! she shouted.

Monaranjan, her husband awake, came with his blurry eyes and shouted back -" Are you a mad?"

Mayuri was now silent. Monaranjan again went back to the bedroom and dived into his own dream.

©  Sarojini Pattayat

Monday, 25 September 2017

Writer's life is really interesting

Moving from step to step , one curve line to another, one page to next page , I halted and thank  God for a better technique. No writer can survive without reading , if he or she is writing in some other language. It is important to know the words through what you are going to tell your story. Mostly we write from our imaginations or the events that happen around us.
A banker interrupted the writing...
He wishes to serve again for another year...
Really disgusting...
Yes, what I want to tell...
About writing....
Read a lot,
Write every day to make it a habit.

~happy writing~

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Writer's life is really interesting

Wrote my blog post' writer's life is really interesting'.
From the morning I was in dilemma , whether I can write in English or I should switch over to my Odia. Now I wrote a tiny story on the basis of a situation happened before me , an d I could understand ' I can write'.  So from today instead of killing my precious time in reading different blogs, I could read books one after another in that period to improve my writing skill. It could be wonderful and satisfying also to complete reading different book. It will inspire me to write well and also use the precious time in writing projects.
Writing projects can be like below.
1- Reading  to improve the skill.
2- Writing daily whatever may be the situation, or anything in daily life. It could be like eating, breathing , remembering , or meditating.
3- Editing the work and make them fair to send to the publisher.
4- Publishing a book each year, whatever may be the opportunity.
A writer's life is hectic swings between luck and opportunities. But, the interesting part is without writing , a writer can not get satisfaction. It just like a soul to the emotional body clamoring to get peace. It is the brilliant treasure that can be told as the wisdom, imperishable and remains inside the subconscious mind to be carried from birth to birth or can award you in the current birth , if you don't believe in the life cycle. It does not requires other's recognition. It simple wants your own acceptance as a writer. Yes, it looks like a simple thing, a simple situation, a simple change . But, believe , it is not as simple as we are writing. It is a vow to carry with ego less heart for all the time. It is the promise we have to keep going in all situation of life journey. It is the crown you have to own and maintain for ages to come. It is the life little different from others to carry on to look at the life and the surrounding in some specific eyes judging in different angles. Little time before I thought of writing a story in long hand after little depressing thought, whether I will resume my writing in English or switch over to the native language. Now , look I am writing in pure English without any doubt of my failure or anything embarrassing. This is the confidence of writing like an wizard and go from step to step ahead without slightest doubt of your own strength. I think I should write like a person fighting inside the grim battle field to win.
That's all.
~happy writing~
Writer's life is really interesting

'Ma'am' , I have sent you a short story. Have you read it?'
I looked towards the face of a stranger. I thought am I ever told him to sent a short story? Might be, again I went deeper to recognize him. He was before me sitting  and watching eagerly. His round face and glittering eyes were enough to make me create a smile on my lips. In such situation , I had no way left except a satisfied smile. 'I don't know you' could make the situation horrible.
 I told, ' Okay, I will go through it'.
He left my chamber .

~happy writing~

Friday, 22 September 2017

Writer's life is really interesting

While looking outside through my glass widow I found the reflections of setting sun of autumn over the bunch of wild yellow flowers and felt something like depression without knowing the reasons behind it. Perhaps something was there in the past or something will happen in the future, I thought. The weakness of a writer is analyzing the situation and knowing the people. Most of the time a writer trapped inside some kind of arguments and experience joy and grief simply for nothing.
 I read a lot, still no satisfaction.
However, its ok.
Happy writing

Friday, 15 September 2017

Learning is definitely good.
But, excess learning and no time to produce anything can not be the goal of life.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

The purpose of Life

In the silence I created thoughts and asked what is the real purposes of life putting aside all I have possessed as per my karma.  My mind was cool and I felt little soothing ripples of thoughts were there. I experienced the creating vibrations. I could understand the voice. I could listen the answer. The answer was ' the true purpose of life is to experience love, peace, bliss, happiness etc. and share it doing the work we have given. Doing work with pain will give vibration of pain to the surrounding.Our conscience is the true guide to choose karma for us.
So, pause a second talk to your inner-self, create thought and act accordingly with peace and happiness within.

colourful world
bird chirps
a welcome song
no one to blame
no arguments
you are your master
just walk ahead
your steps are towards a happy destiny
no fear
you are the angel

Monday, 11 September 2017

Unveiling the reasons

Unveiling the reasons and embracing the bliss
a journey
for unending joy
stops beside the fallen leafs...
Ah! Autumn has arrived too early.
Inhaling the early morning
temple door opened...
sounds of bell
no worries, no stress
lighted diya in the corner
smiles of peace.

© Sarojini Pattayat

Health is definitely the wealth. If you are not fit, you are definitely going to hell. This is why you have to care of your body. And particularly when you are a professional, you have to follow your time schedule and keep in mind about your eating habit and exercise habit.

How are you going to  enjoy the life? It is only for your body.Mind is also important. So do some meditation.

take care
happy writing

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Writer's life is really interesting

It is true for all to have  dream. I have also mine to match all in the literary world. First and foremost thing I want is peace and happiness through this art. Then comes finance and any other things to live a pleasurable life here.I want to finish  all my half errand. This is important than anything. I may die with half work. And this will make me more pathetic.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Writer's life is really interesting

 Living life is an art.
You have to use your intellect to get nectar out of it.
Your thought process should be under your control
 and you should choose as per your wish , how to get a good life.
 For this observe the situations , people
and create what you really want.
Prioritize your wants, take steps accordingly.
One after another with little effort you can achieve.
In every situation just give attention to yourself.
Rest your own intellect will do.
 It will work as a lighted candle.
You will no more remain in the darkness of gloom.
The sky has no limit.
It is you,
 who can take an enormous flight
 towards your goal and achievement.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Writer's life really interesting

If you are a writer  you will definitely wish to get story ideas and will remain with people to discover something interesting. Today I got something like this. It is about depression and  suicide. We were three, discussing about a teenager made suicide .My point of argument was why suicide? It is not the alluring sweet to enjoy. Second thing death is inevitable for each one in this earth. So, what is the reason to die without enjoying the God given life with what we have.If in this earth killers also enjoy a normal death, what is the point for taking a such deadly step.
Parents should talk to their children like friend and listen to them. They should spend their time with the children to train them about living in this earth and facing various problems  in every step.

Truly no one knows about the life after death. So, live this life with smile and enjoy each bit of it.

~happy life~
~happy writing~

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Writer’s life is really, interesting.

It is not my sole opinion. More or less, all advise to write each day. It is good to write to practice your craft and feel writer in your heart. But, fuel for writing is the inspiring elements you have to acquire each day. Today in the morning, I completed a short story. It is great. While writing short stories it is advisable to complete it at on go. My novel writing is not encouraging. I have outlined it and in vacation, I mean not taking yet any step. It is embarrassing. However, I will do it soon.

~happy writing~

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

writer's life is really interesting

About quitting the day job.
I should say it is not at all advisable to quit the day job for writing. Now you are not a professional. You have to fix your target and get published to attract your reader. Then if you are making money out of this , you may take a decision.

~happy writing~

Monday, 21 August 2017

Writer's life is really interesting

It is not at all depressing.  You have to write and this is what the life of a writer. You can write fiction and non-fiction to add a reward to your own achievement. You are your own guide in this path. You have to master the art. Believe me , once you are a writer , you can not easily leave this passion. It is a life, of course different from other. You can feel proud for this life.It is unique.

Happy writing

Monday, 24 July 2017

'writer's life is really interesting'

Looking at my chamber.It is good, usual. But, one thing happened. While writing most of the time we travel into the past.It hurts. We experience the feeling of 'missing' of days we already passed.And really it is awful to remember. But, as a writer it comes frequently. A writer lives both in past and present and predicts the future.  So, smile please.

"happy writing"...

Image result for smile image

Saturday, 22 July 2017

"writer's life is really interesting"

After reading so many blogs, one thing I discovered, "Life is a mystery and we have very little time".
I found many blogger not updated their blogs. They are vanished.(Alas! one day I will also...)I am in love for, I am here.
Cloudy day...
No sunshine...
Nature is beautiful...
I am beholding the nature...
I am its part...
Nature is also within my heart and mind...
I am not trapped by the griefs, or depression...
I am hugged by the love and satisfaction...
I am a peaceful person....
Peace is my natural right...
My anger is decreasing day by day...
I am the author of my own play ...
I am the creator of my destiny...
I am the captain of my little canopy...
I am the bird soaring in endless journy...
No fear...
No anxiety...

Thursday, 20 July 2017

"writer's life is really interesting"

Before the actual writing...

Reading like a busy person.
Too much reading lost its value...Hmm...(a sigh)
How to learn ...actually says the mind, with deep concern.
Oh! I am killing time  and playing with time , someone says like a teacher inside. (Yes, it is true)
Now to escape it only one way seems there... (smile now )
go to some place and write.(Peace in mind)

In a rainy day a cosy home is the aim of a writer to write.

~happy writing~

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

"writer's life is really interesting"

it was not my thought, it was my action to create rain over the paper with my words...
Yes the day was cloudy and cool. I listened the morning welcoming song of a cock(really I surprised as it is unusual in the heart of my city Bhubaneswar). I felt myself in my lovely countryside. The images of my childhood danced before me. It was not the dream truly as I was visualising with open eyes. In the deep silence I remembered once again that, I have left my childhood from ages with black and white pictures and the greeneries of village life. Ah! my creativity chocked and sighed . Any poetry may help I thought ,but switched on the TV for morning news and again the halla-gulla filled up my heart.
Oh! where , where is the peace, the serenity, the bliss!
I startled  and found my little home in morning silence itself creating images of deep sleep in the eyes of my lovely daughter. Brighter aspects and achievements... hmm I have not gifted her the village serenity , but given her the life of city. Yes, good , the steps of achievement will begin from little city to the country of dollars. I have succeeded and satisfied my mind said.
I left everything in that point and went on searching my journal to have a look. I had no time to put my thoughts there. I wished peace to enter my mind for creating an art, the poetry of streams, rain, greenery, and the blissful moments.

Monday, 17 July 2017

"writer's life is really interesting"

When nothing to write specifically

It is the evening. But it is not like any other evening. It is unique with its experience and peaceful silence except the song of rain. Rain was not here from last several days. Now it is a thing to be discussed everywhere from the roadside cafe to the five star hotels, from mother's kitchen to the father's office( of course in mother's office also, when mother is a working lady).
And look , I am experiencing the coolness moving slowly with touches of rain from the little space of my glass window. I just listened the sound of a busy restaurant from you tube and I imagined how some writer becomes fancy of writing in such environment. may be it pours inspiring elements to be filled in some novel or some poetry or prose piece.

I may get some ideas from the busy place, may be for some short story  I thought,  and now wishing to leave my chamber to destroy my depressing mood.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

The rain in my city
Its a wave you know,
full of happiness
remembering all the incidents with you.
Under the wild tree
your first mystic appearance
in the rain
compelled me to
put you in my poetry
as the only romantic character.
From that day
your each wish
became my wish
your each dream
  I tried to full fill.
I know you are satisfied.
You forgot the rain
and the past
where we struggled a lot.
the rain of this city
still sings the song
of that mystic painting
of your first appearance
turn our life and luck.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Sometimes problems knock your door to awake you. But, what is the size of problem? So, without loosing your patience you should strengthen your mind to face it. This is called life. Be brave to walk in life with your head high.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Writer's life

I always love to read ' how a writer writes and achieves'. It is my hidden interest to know the writers. On this journey I could know that, they all are more or less like us. They writes what they know and research wherever a story demands. That's all. But, important thing is , they writes and this is their penance. So, cheers...
Go on writing what you know, may it be in computer, paper, note book or in cards. But, important thing is first of all create the outline of the story like a perfect story teller.  Take little time and back to your school days to read grammar book and find ready made outlines and develop some story. That will definitely work.Write with love and interest as you are telling some story to your close friend.

~happy writing~

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


 I have come across different feed backs and advice about writing in the internet and many writers have given their experiences about writing . But, the important thing is no one can make you a writer, if you will not sit and write.  So, as your nursery classes you have to sit and write everyday , whatever you want. Don't see who are your audience or don't think who will publish your materials. Just for heaven's shake take a vow and go on writing to be a writer. Think it as your profession  and like a gardener plant everyday different tree or herbs in your literary world. One day you will find your world full of trees, herbs, flowers, fruits, and even you will find birds chirping there and animals wandering there with joy and peace.
Many people comment my writing as premature. But, for me writing is an art. And whether it is mature and premature it should not be decided. It depends on the heart of the reader what he or she found from the writing . The chief aim of the writer is to give some pleasure and feelings to the reader. If that aim is fulfilled nothing to argue and the writer as the king/queen of her/his world nothing to worry. This means not that he or she will write anything poisonous. I strongly in support of society and social rules. Rules are there to guide us for better living . So, it depends upon a writer how his or her writing will affect it.

However go on writing with God overhead.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

I can't die without writing a novel
I can't die without writing a novel

Friday, 30 June 2017

to be a writer.
read more to learn the art.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Just now ·

'ଗୁଡି' ର କଭର ଡିଜାଇନ ହୋଇଗଲା
completed the cover design of 'Gudi'

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Monday, 19 June 2017

Saturday, 17 June 2017


Anjali returned from her office. It was a busy day. She went to her little kitchen. Thought a little and prepared a cup of black coffee. Tarun danced in her mind. She thought how Tarun taught her to prepare black coffee. How the days of university passed really. She smiled a little. She went to her little courtyard. The sky was getting dark. Stars were showing their presence with their glittering light. Anjali tried to find out the star in whose lap she could discover her father's face. She wanted to cry. She couldn't. Because she is a responsible practical human being. She know death is a truth. She know friend comes and goes away. She herself, is also not a static one. She is changing. With a sigh she took her empty cup and went into her drawing room to see the daily news. She switched on the tv. She has to face the reality.

Anjali entered into her little chamber. It was cool but full of work pressure. She looked at the rack that was standing comfortably with burden of files. She put a glance at the wall clock and planned to complete the work. She rang the calling bell. Her orderly hastily entered.
- Ramalu, bring all the files to my table. I want to dispose them now.
-Okay madam.

Ramalu put all files on the table and went away.
Anjali opened one file. It was about the sanction of pension of one Sri Dipak Mohanty, retired from service on 31st December 1999. Due to a misappropriation case his pension was held up. And now after so many years, it was found that he is not really involved. With a sigh, Anjali put her signature on the documents to send them to the office of Accountant General. She cleared all files , called Ramalu and send them to respective branch of her office.
She wanted to thought about Sri Mohanty. What type of humiliation that person might not have faced till date to prove himself guilty free? Can't it be stopped? For someone's mischievous deed good people suffers more. This is called fate in our land. Good or bad, she promised to clear files each day to run with the time, as time is the Important factor for life.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

my poetry

one after another
with rhythm,
with good amounts of tear,
with glossy smile,
they appeared and immersed,
leaving their footprints here for your enjoyments.

it is happening
from ages,
and they are valueless.
can you ever purchase a smile
a drop of tear!
never, I swear.
So, they appear and become my friend ever.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

time gallops...
no one can stop it.
let us walk with the time,
time is the precious of everything.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

I wish fairies to knock my wooden door
write my books.

Friday, 2 June 2017

My little courtyard is full of sunshine.
And the breeze is cool, poetic, touching the soul.
I know You are somewhere around.
That's why everything seems in harmony.
I am enjoying the moment.
But what for You go away and vanish for days together.
Whether it is to make Yourself more important! !!
I always think You as most important, lovable.
Be with me.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Have you ever seen a dream,
the real dream!
Real dream will not hurt.
Rather it will pour inspirations to develop
And face the life.

Monday, 29 May 2017

chapter one

It was really a matter of fact that, Mira had a bad dream about  Rohit. She did not want to share everything with Rohit. She wants to bear the sadness of dream herself and wait for the better time, when she would think it as unimportant.
Mira was not a silly woman. She was a graduate in Economics, and knew the rise and fall of stock market and had enough knowledge of business. She was in love with Rohit and got married only last month. In a joint family, it was not easy to handle every case easily. Rohit was constantly facing loss in business deal and Mira wanted to help him. But how, she did not know.

It was darkness everywhere. It was a hot summer evening. Rohit, wished to return to home early. Mira had already called him five times. But he had enough work to finish today. He had a meeting with chief engineer, works department as regards the tender. After repeated failure from last few months, he himself wanted to handle the situation. So, he was preparing himself for the meeting and thinking if negotiation point arise, what should be his answer. It was about a bridge over river Subarnarekha what can be a brilliant project and earned him more than thirty crores of profit after dealing with every subject. He again found Mira’s message in his mobile.
‘please come. We will both discuss.’
He knows Mira as a brilliant student. And, he feels lucky to have Mira as his lover and life partner. But, he don’t want her to drag her to the business circle and take risks and responsibilities. He wants her to live happily and peacefully, and be the queen of his life, and ultimately give him a peaceful home. Moreover, their marriage was only one month. How he would give burden to a newly married wife. Better, after the tender meeting of tomorrow he will go outside with Mira to give her a surprise.

Monday, 22 May 2017

The note-book

At each bell her heart was jumping. But, why? Is she was fearing for something beyond her little knowledge. She kept her note book over the study table laying in a corner and drank little water from her glass. What for she was fearing? Was this one was the reason of her blood pressure or whether she was really a weak woman of this earth. A gust of cool breeze touched her traveling through the half opened window. She could feel the peace in her heart. 'No she has not made any guilt in her any work' she thought again. No, the fear, the doubt of her own strength was only bringing the fearing feelings she thought. She again drank a little water and sat near the table to begin her story. She was to finish it to die peacefully. How could she  leave the earth with an unfinished story?

The note book was old and tattered.Her handwriting notes were clearly visible there. So many ideas were cleverly sketched there to give a direction to someone interested to save the earth from danger. She had cleverly planted the ideas for someone to understand after her. But, she did know who could be that 'someone' of future?
Her job was to write she thought. She focused on her writing.


Saturday, 20 May 2017

The Fantasy World

If I will describe everything as real, it is only relatively true. Because, we naturally live amid fantasy inwardly. In our inner world we meet everything for our enjoyment. So, let us start.

The garden
Seasons enters to the garden with their distinct steps. Each season has its own values to share with us. The squirrels of the garden had their cottages and were living there happily. The old squirrel was collecting ripe mangoes to for him, but for the grand children.
Sh...Ah...Tik taks...
The grand father squirrel looked at the iron gate of the house.Someone was coming. "Oh, little girl of the tarpaulin cottage, near big drain of the city". The girl was coming stealthily, with soft sounds, with an intentions to not disturb anyone of the house and with only aim to get some ripe mangoes. The grand father squirrel observed the girl's poor look, tattered dress and sighed.'People just gives birth to the children and forgets to take care' grand father squirrel thought. Nature also unable to help them. "What a poor life!". The mango tree was happy looking at the girl. Summer breeze danced over its branches and ripe mangoes filled the ground.
The girl paused, smiled and collected the mangoes in her polythene bag. Grand father squirrel also felt happiness inside his heart.

" The garden became the abode of joys with summer, squirrels, and the little girl of the cottage of city drain'

Monday, 15 May 2017

Nisha was there, in her office chamber silently waiting for the unforeseen consequences. She opened her water bottle and drank to ease her tension.She had no scope to know the weather outside. She can only imagine the forty degree blazing sun, how it is now warming the city. She has to wait. Her waiting may give her the achievement, she thought...


Friday, 12 May 2017

The grass and the graveyard

Lays there the heroes of days
Adventure was their passion,
You cared them with glossy touches
'O' nature's great creation.
Over the stage, last scene was staged
You were the silent beholder,
Under grieve they parted from this earth
They might be rich or pauper.
When I passes beside graveyard and you
I smile for my follis,
How I am struggling for name and fame
When everything will vanish.
We are in a illusory castle
Walking in our path,
Rest is with the the hand of time
We will find, what we worth.

~sarojini ~

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Tear and smile

I never wished
To block tear to flow
And smile to lost simply.
I adore it to flow
& open the secrets of heart.
To veil the heart is intolerable.
I appreciate them who have taken a vow to leave this mysterious earth keeping their words and worries in deepest corner of their heart.
I really appreciate their pride and fear.
As a mortal being I am in the side of them who have opened their secrets like a best child of mother earth.
They are fearless and adventures.
I worshiped them as the changers.
I appreciate the flow of tear and smile.

~sarojini ~

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

The wall
The wall
Not very old, but was mossy and miserable by rain, Sun, winter.
The thing was no one looking at it.
The loneliness perceives.
A cat came and sat leanings over it.
A friend entered to the scene.
The wall got a friend to talk 

and observe the starry night, floating clouds, seasons passing by.
Now it felt joy everywhere.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Morning courtyard
With the dried leafs of jack fruits and mango tree,
It was simmering in dream:
It was swept, cleaned,
Dried leafs piled

 and taken by municipality people to dispose:
Courtyard again waited dry leafs to fall 

and settle over it to listen their talk of whole day.


The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...