Monday, 29 May 2017

chapter one

It was really a matter of fact that, Mira had a bad dream about  Rohit. She did not want to share everything with Rohit. She wants to bear the sadness of dream herself and wait for the better time, when she would think it as unimportant.
Mira was not a silly woman. She was a graduate in Economics, and knew the rise and fall of stock market and had enough knowledge of business. She was in love with Rohit and got married only last month. In a joint family, it was not easy to handle every case easily. Rohit was constantly facing loss in business deal and Mira wanted to help him. But how, she did not know.

It was darkness everywhere. It was a hot summer evening. Rohit, wished to return to home early. Mira had already called him five times. But he had enough work to finish today. He had a meeting with chief engineer, works department as regards the tender. After repeated failure from last few months, he himself wanted to handle the situation. So, he was preparing himself for the meeting and thinking if negotiation point arise, what should be his answer. It was about a bridge over river Subarnarekha what can be a brilliant project and earned him more than thirty crores of profit after dealing with every subject. He again found Mira’s message in his mobile.
‘please come. We will both discuss.’
He knows Mira as a brilliant student. And, he feels lucky to have Mira as his lover and life partner. But, he don’t want her to drag her to the business circle and take risks and responsibilities. He wants her to live happily and peacefully, and be the queen of his life, and ultimately give him a peaceful home. Moreover, their marriage was only one month. How he would give burden to a newly married wife. Better, after the tender meeting of tomorrow he will go outside with Mira to give her a surprise.

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