Tuesday, 12 September 2017

The purpose of Life

In the silence I created thoughts and asked what is the real purposes of life putting aside all I have possessed as per my karma.  My mind was cool and I felt little soothing ripples of thoughts were there. I experienced the creating vibrations. I could understand the voice. I could listen the answer. The answer was ' the true purpose of life is to experience love, peace, bliss, happiness etc. and share it doing the work we have given. Doing work with pain will give vibration of pain to the surrounding.Our conscience is the true guide to choose karma for us.
So, pause a second talk to your inner-self, create thought and act accordingly with peace and happiness within.

colourful world
bird chirps
a welcome song
no one to blame
no arguments
you are your master
just walk ahead
your steps are towards a happy destiny
no fear
you are the angel

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