Monday, 22 May 2017

The note-book

At each bell her heart was jumping. But, why? Is she was fearing for something beyond her little knowledge. She kept her note book over the study table laying in a corner and drank little water from her glass. What for she was fearing? Was this one was the reason of her blood pressure or whether she was really a weak woman of this earth. A gust of cool breeze touched her traveling through the half opened window. She could feel the peace in her heart. 'No she has not made any guilt in her any work' she thought again. No, the fear, the doubt of her own strength was only bringing the fearing feelings she thought. She again drank a little water and sat near the table to begin her story. She was to finish it to die peacefully. How could she  leave the earth with an unfinished story?

The note book was old and tattered.Her handwriting notes were clearly visible there. So many ideas were cleverly sketched there to give a direction to someone interested to save the earth from danger. She had cleverly planted the ideas for someone to understand after her. But, she did know who could be that 'someone' of future?
Her job was to write she thought. She focused on her writing.


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