Monday, 17 July 2017

"writer's life is really interesting"

When nothing to write specifically

It is the evening. But it is not like any other evening. It is unique with its experience and peaceful silence except the song of rain. Rain was not here from last several days. Now it is a thing to be discussed everywhere from the roadside cafe to the five star hotels, from mother's kitchen to the father's office( of course in mother's office also, when mother is a working lady).
And look , I am experiencing the coolness moving slowly with touches of rain from the little space of my glass window. I just listened the sound of a busy restaurant from you tube and I imagined how some writer becomes fancy of writing in such environment. may be it pours inspiring elements to be filled in some novel or some poetry or prose piece.

I may get some ideas from the busy place, may be for some short story  I thought,  and now wishing to leave my chamber to destroy my depressing mood.

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