Saturday, 20 May 2017

The Fantasy World

If I will describe everything as real, it is only relatively true. Because, we naturally live amid fantasy inwardly. In our inner world we meet everything for our enjoyment. So, let us start.

The garden
Seasons enters to the garden with their distinct steps. Each season has its own values to share with us. The squirrels of the garden had their cottages and were living there happily. The old squirrel was collecting ripe mangoes to for him, but for the grand children.
Sh...Ah...Tik taks...
The grand father squirrel looked at the iron gate of the house.Someone was coming. "Oh, little girl of the tarpaulin cottage, near big drain of the city". The girl was coming stealthily, with soft sounds, with an intentions to not disturb anyone of the house and with only aim to get some ripe mangoes. The grand father squirrel observed the girl's poor look, tattered dress and sighed.'People just gives birth to the children and forgets to take care' grand father squirrel thought. Nature also unable to help them. "What a poor life!". The mango tree was happy looking at the girl. Summer breeze danced over its branches and ripe mangoes filled the ground.
The girl paused, smiled and collected the mangoes in her polythene bag. Grand father squirrel also felt happiness inside his heart.

" The garden became the abode of joys with summer, squirrels, and the little girl of the cottage of city drain'

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