Saturday, 23 February 2013

The evening thought
Outside my office window
The fading day, the chirping birds
Here and there,
Talking about their achievements;
Flying kites, yet waiting for their last prey,
Evening is approaching,
It is the time to close the files,
And all official business,
And to think about home,
To think about children,
To make plan for their approaching examination,
To think about ailing mother-in-law,
To think how to take her to the doctor,
Giving medicine only for her psychological satisfaction,
So that,
She may live in this earth for a little more time,
And to enjoy the days dancing around her,
I prepared myself for all these tedious work,
Looked people enjoying the evening in the park nearby,
Sighed over my fate,
And gave myself solace that,
This is the true definition life,
We should be engaged always
To avoid sorrows, and depression,
And the fatal loneliness;
I reached my home,
The wild tree in front garden,
Received me,
with gentle scented cool breeze,
I felt it was saying something,
I looked up;
Wait for a while,
Thought my feeling was true,
It wanted me to enjoy,
The loving gesture of moon with its star,
I discovered,
The deep passionate feelings;
So eternal, so beautiful, so pious,
The whole surrounding seemed,
Swinging with pleasure,
My sorrows vanished in a moment;
Somebody whispered in my ear,that,
I'm some one's responsibility,
Who know, what I want,
Who know how to please me?
And how I shall get right direction,
I believe Him,
He is always with me,
To help and to cross the hurdles,
And understand the life.
Turn in the life is,
Natural and obvious,
With all hurdles and pain,
To prove our endurance,
Again and again.
by sarojini pattayat 02/22/2013, 11:54pm

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