Saturday, 16 February 2013

Rain amid the spring
The sky was gloomy,
Cool wind sharing the tale
Of the day,
Trees were naked without leafs
I was feeling dryness inside
somewhere in my passionate heart;
Like any woman of this world
looking at the nature's cruelty,
destroying something for welcoming new.
In the television news the news reader
about the approaching rain
I felt further greenish
hope within a month one or two
nature will smile with her all hue.
from the early morning
it is raining
the trees are now clean and beautiful
no dust, no sorrows;
Smell of the wet soil
in whole atmosphere
creating a feeling of love,
And, I'm longing for your presence 
to share with you
the joyous moment
of this unexpected
 rain amid the spring ;
I want to show you
how nature try to
paint joy every where
in soil, in the sky
inside the heart,
how she bring soft feelings
of life forgetting
sorrows, and
creates a world of dream.




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