Saturday, 25 April 2020

Prathna, Prayer

Almighty Kamal Nayan has given me a perfect and healthy body, a peaceful and beautiful mind,time to take rest and think about the reasons of life,a safe home.
  After that what may be my wants!
He is doing what is good and perfect for me.
My work is to follow His voice that vibrates deeper in my heart and mind.
My sole work is to think before doing any karma, talk and dicuss with Him.
He is kind and good to give me everything basic. What is my necessities to look at other and feel jealousy inside heart. My duty is to keep going, doing the karmas I have given to do.
Other things are illussion to see, feel, enjoy and walk ahead and not to entangle with them unnecessarily.
Peace remains deeper inside that I should explore to remain stable in every situation performing my karmas.
He remains always in close vicinity.
My work is to know Him and love Him.
He is the ocean of Love. He is all Powerful.
He is the Father, the Friend,  The only Lover who never leave.

Happy writing

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