Sunday, 5 April 2020

Journal, Self talk-3

The evening.
 I found my old poetry to share.
Time is passing and now I am in 2020 facing lockdown, shortdown.
Ah! I am really thinking about the immunity and stamina I had in long past.
Okay,  enjoy the poem. I myself enjoyed it.

You, my Inspiration
Your sweet talk
glitters whole day in my heart
like a star I love
in the darkness
that shows me path
to crate a purpose in life,
and make plan to be successful.
You are
my sole inspiration;
keeping my hand in your hand
feeling the warmth of your thought
listening the music of your passionate heart
I think no difference
 between you and me.

Believe me,
I'm yours
in every birth
to walk side by side
unveiling the mysteries and riddles.

by sarojini pattayat.05/04/2013

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