Sunday, 26 April 2020

Vibrations unique

This morning
Full of vibrations
Unique and peaceful.
My pet parrots are
Clean,and peaceful
In their swinging cages.
I heard koyel's coo,
His presence I felt
In my heart and His love enveloped my worries.
Inside the present pandemic situation, He is with us invisibly.
Nothing to worry.
No one is the master of this earth.
He will fight and save this world.
From deeper a voice most raise, as a prayer for Him to help.
He is fighting and we should do our duty like worship to add our faith to His power.
To help humanity most be
Our mantra.
No one can play game
With His beautiful creation.
Note- Life never a bed of roses. Each civilization has faced their unique problem.  So, now with our devotion to work we will fight the situation by social distancing and using mask. Our peasants should plough their field, our industries should finish their work, we should be self sufficient inside everything maintaining the social distance. Without cooking, how can I expect food on my table. Our discipline has strength to save us and fight this unusual situation.
Happy writing.
Stay safe.

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