Saturday, 9 November 2019


It is the time
Your time to win
And fly.

The sky is your's
Be brave
Walk ahead.

And think.

It is your time
Win and fly.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Smile of a woman

I startled. I stopped near the staircase. I could listen his comments. He was shouting like a mad person.  I thought, I shouldn't think more about this. A woman is criticized more or less everywhere,  may in a office,  public place or home.
But a woman has the power of patience. Her endurance can change the world. She can walk alone.
I walked ahead with an usual smile and could discover "he is shouting, because he is inferior. "

The morning was so lovely and evening is inside the rain composing poetry.
Amid all meetings, halla-gulla, yet enjoyed the day . Stock market was not so depressing with turns and twist of Infosys share.
The magic of passive income goes on  alongwith the losses in blinks.
Patience works everywhere .

Monday, 21 October 2019

In between dawn and morning

It was the time,in between dawn and the morning.  Moon was gliding happily.The little bird entered the garden jumping from branches . It perched over a tender branch of pink flower bush and said 'wake up ,wake up.'
I was there plucking flowers.  I remained still like a tree. It was so little. It's Brown polished wings were gleaming with touches of red pink glow of early morning.  A host of parrots appeared from the south eastern corner of the sky, and  flapping their gorgeous green wings went towards the north west corner over my head. 
These all morning people,  I thought related to each other and have equal position before the eyes of Mother Nature whatever their size, shape or skills. Man is not the only child of God. 

Sunday, 20 October 2019

The dawn

After long days
the beautiful dawn was waiting me.
I opened the iron door
switched on the garden light,

I amazed with the beauty and bliss
of  blossomed tree,herbs  and starry sky.
Orion was smiling alongwith the moon.
I smiled at them.
The eastern sky was pink.
An owl appeared from the north eastern sky.
I remembered Harry Potter and his pet owl and the past, my school , my preparation for  eleventh exams.

The dawn was touching.

I again looked at Orion, and his gleaming dimond belt.
He was bidding 'bye',  and vanished smiling.
I collected flowers, a crow flapped its wings.
Morning was yet to come.

Time passed.
From my chamber I heard the chirps of tiny birds.

I smiled and lost.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Wishes I have.

It is the 'bye' days of mausumi. Every thing is fair and bright under the occasional rain. Focusing over the projects I have. My decisions are changing.  I am now want to write about the situations and people around. The nature also can be one attraction. I can write about the birds of my morning garden,  the flowers around and the tresspassers . These are all I want in my next book. I wrote poetry, but have not published. But, I want to self publish my short stories. It is a good decision I think. And a novel in NaNoWrimo will be a wonderful gift to myself.

Happy writing 

Tuesday, 15 October 2019


This is the world of illussion. Yes, I agree. But till our end we have to remain inside it. So, we should take care of everything we have to derive happiness and peace till our end. Otherwise people around will take away what we have.
     This world is really illussion. It is the truth. But it is for well-being of us. We should derive utmost happiness from this journey of illussion,  have care for it till the end, think about beauties  and feel bliss in our heart and mind accepting everything that we can not change.  Where we can change, we shouldn't delay. We have to act there with our utmost potential.  Working and putting ourselves in action will give us satisfaction.
    Take care of everything you have. Keep minimal to look after them in less time.
This is mantra.

Have a good day.

Monday, 14 October 2019

Talk less

Talking is the amazing tool gifted to us. It is the power we should spend carefully. So, let us follow steps I have thought.
Don't talk unnecessarily.
Listen more.
Talk where you have a role to play.
Read more.
Write more.
Talk with yourself before putting your view to other.
Cool down yourself before a meeting.
Write down the matter pointwise before any discussion.
Meditate or maintain silence atleast for one minute in between works.
Don't hesitate to face challenges of life.

 ~Happy writing~
God is there to guide and help you.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Naya khoj

New khoj means new search.
Today I listened about the aliens and our religious beliefs. The people of world and their wish to know who are they? And how they have developed through a process from ape to humanbeing. What is the truth of religious stories and the past civilizations. 
The curiosity of humanbeing have to be satisfied by the religions or by the scientists. If science and religion will walk hand in hand we can discover the truth behind the past and the history. The time have come to ask "why", in every religious karma to have a scientific answer . It is the yugo of transition from man to super man. So, basic answer for each activity can be questioned. If there is no answer, we should analyse to discover the answer. 

Our religions have showed us about the Devtas,Angeles, giants, big birds, flying chariots,  flying mountains, flying horses. All these things should need answer.  Can we believe about this?

So, let's not fight was.
 Rather let's think about New khoj,  and develop together. 

Happy weekend.

A poetry

Ask me
How days are going
Time is jumping over my dreams,
Ask me
How my valuable words are flying away and smiling from my reach,
Ask me
How people around are changing their attitudes, life and love.
I am waiting
For arrival of better days making my each day special atleast for me.

Happy writing friends
Time and situation changes.
God is there.

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Mental health

Yesterday I was in a meeting. It was about the suicidal tendency growth not only in India, but also in the whole world.  Truly the subject was attractive. But, the discussion over such a tender subject is not a medical issue only. It is a subject of socio-economic.  It is cold war of man and machine. It is the struggle each person to know and do self talk. It is the extreme point ever found and opined by all religion as the sin. 
Each person is a pious,unique being ever created by the God and nature. To address this evil each person should follow the morals taught by our religious teachers. Each one should find little time for self and think himself or herself as the most powerful being to cross the situation. 
Be happy and contented 
Happy writing 

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Take care

I am not feeling well. Yet, I am trying to feel okay as it is a festival season. Everywhere people are rejoicing the Maa Durga Puja. Near the mandap I found a girl took selfie
I recalled, how was I enjoying the festival in my past years.
An experienced person always blames the system,  the society , the people around. But for new generation everything they found gives them pleasure.
To enjoy the world completely depends upon ,how healthy you are.
So take care and love the world. 

Monday, 30 September 2019

Technique of writing

To write means to relax.It is truly a work the first give peace to the writer.each writer definitely can not deny it.
   Last evening. It was 30th September. After attending a farewell meeting of retired person my mind was in pressure thinking about my own retirement. I actually was not thinking myself. My mind was automatically thinking. It was like shouting at me. Returning home I paused. I looked at books around in my bedroom. A thought flashed like lightning in a cloudy sky . I immediately wrote down in the note pad. Some one inside appeared before me and said ,"Okay. Now go and finish other work ." And some one inside said, " end the story please." As I was conscious, I wrote down whole thing whatever was comming from inside. It is of course a messy draft,but after writing  I felt better and relaxed.
Write down whatever comming from inside in your journal. 
Already end the story, paragraph or a chapter later to edit.
Your writing is your tool to relax.
It depends upon you if you want to publish.
Observe the world around and write everything. 
Don't stop the writing call of your friend within.
Be brave .
Never be lazy.
Write a lot and read a lot.
Happy writing. 
Have a good day.

Sunday, 29 September 2019


Family, this is the most beautiful word ever heard in this world. Interesting thing is ,this is the best place where we live peacefully without any fear and favour. But, our ego,greed, the wrong concept of freedom makes it a hell.
You are yourself can discover the reason. In my opinion you can save your family. You can bring joy in your family.  Before thinking to take any negative turn in your life look at the eyes of your children.  You can know what can you do to bring peace in your family.
Time changes.  This is the truth of life.
Think a little. Accept the hurdles of time. It will go away. Don't do anything that may harm your family. Don't do anything in pressure for which you may repent. Pause, think, take a glass of water,read a good book, look at the sky and nature. Cool down.your family is the heaven you have.
Do your best.
Be positive.
You are a powerful soul to face each challenge of life to fight and win.

Have a good day

Amid everything

Time passes. Yes, this is the truth. Amid everything you live and experience the end. It is a process. It is in your hand. You can make it or break it. It is like your favourite tea cup. It is so beautiful. You can feel the emotional attachment with this.It is so pure and aromatic. You can never deny the gifts you have got from this life.
Wtite down one by one what you have got in this life. You will soon discover the wealth you have. Surprisingly you can discover your true enemy,that is your mind that drags you to the uncertainty.
Oh my God! You will say. You will find yourself smiling.  Smile please. It is the tool you have to enjoy your time. Right!
Smile. ..
The day is yours'
You are the best creation of universe.
Why to beg happiness from other. Rather spread happiness with your good deeds and smile. Make yourself busy. Work a lot and read a lot. Spend less and save more, atleast 10% of your income. Be rich inside.

Have a good day

Friday, 27 September 2019

Story board

I am sure, you are a writer or a film maker. Your passion has the strength to discover the things in a new strategies. So, here I have brought you a technique to make your journey easy.
You know your story. You have to show your feelings now to make your audience, readers understand what you want to tell them. Here the requirement of a story board is necessary. Look at your story. If you are a writer divide it in scenes.  If you are film maker divide it into shots. Draw images now .  Discuss each scene or shot with your team. It will help you to discover your weakness and rectify them in time.
In present world you have to spent something in this journey to be a writer or a filmmaker. So, your little mistake may harm you and your creative journey.  People can never be hundred percent perfect. Yet, to avoid major mistake you have to be cautious.
I think, story board will help you like a great friend.
Be happy
Be positive
Yes, read a lot and write a lot
Have a good day.

The environment

Environment is a vast subject to study. Right!
But, we all live in the lap of environment. We cannot deny the love we got from this to inhale oxygen for our living. As it is abundantly supplied, we have not yet felt its importance. Now the global warming, unusual storms, the floods, the earthquakes what we are experiencing is the reason of environment pollution, the reason are we, human being. Environment is precious for us than gold and diamonds. We are running after the materials whole life. Just think, what we have planned to save environment. Don’t fear the human ghost, fear the environment ghost. If environment will destroy we all will go to hell. Our fault will destroy our future. Don’t we want the reign of human being in this earth?  Go to a lonely place, sit in silence and think. Shouldn’t we save forest, the water bodies, the sky, the earth? If there is something like next birth we will again come to this earth to enjoy the life. Should we come again here to face the pollution? Think, think, think…
Let’s plant a tree, restrict plastics, and clean the water bodies by following the rules of nature. Let’s make environment our friend and be an example for our future generation.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Money management

The world is full of illusion. Truly the life inside this short time can be better with the help of money, as this is the most powerful tool in this mortal world. Money is the necessity, not the luxury. It is essential. That is why the place of Mother Laxmi is so important in the Indian culture. So, it is the duty really for us to know the importance of money and the way to keep it following proper management.

Make a plan
Know your income and expenditure
Save at least ten percent of your income each month if you are getting monthly salary. Otherwise save ten percent of income whenever you are getting.
Know your true requirements. Sufficiently plan ahead for any luxury.
Be happy and remain peaceful to overcome the challenges of life.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

The peepal tree is silent now. No dance of breeze there. Yesterday it was in its natural dance with the wind. It was looking amazing. Now the sun is shining over it and its green leafs are dazzling. I remembered Lord Buddha and his path of truth, nonviolence, peace and the enlightenment he achieved. It was not an easy journey.

Thursday, 1 August 2019


It is not the way how you like to be recognized. It is the action that will protect you to be the slave of your own will. Walk on and on to explore your own world and get happy. Walking on other’s way is not definitely your achievement. Building your own path and decorate it in your own creative choice is the right point for your experiment and happiness. Be your own joy and look the world in different angle. You can be the one whom God wants to do some project. Don’t fear. It is so easy yaar.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

The day
It was the morning alarm that already reminded me to wake up like an angel. I love to be an angel and the time will tell really what I am.
 The day was cloudy and of course we are in the rainy season. I have to believe it how we faced the hot summer. How we fought during fany. It is good to live in the present, but past never leave you. Reading one adhya form Bhagbat Gita is inspiring and we should add it in our everyday routine. Lord Krishna inspired there to wake up from the deep slumber and fight for honour. We can follow it by fighting with our fear, depression and many more to be happy like a child. Just think up how were you in your childhood with scanty things and yet happy.
I opined to recall the happy things and live contented. The reason is simple. “Happiness dwells within”


Monday, 4 February 2019

My writing goal

How are you all. I hope you all are doing well in your business. For me 2019 is the arena of struggles. I am finding struggle in every moment.
I have fixed to edit my all writings in this year to publish my books. I think I will be well in my goal. The day job is going messy day by day with crazy master and emotionless atmosphere. I am expecting my easy transfer from my present organization. But, I don't know. My creativity is gaining experience, but no time to give it a perfect shape. Still I hope I could create a modern art, shapeless but, attractive for good inspirations and advancement in this path.


Monday, 21 January 2019

The daily routine

From the last several years I am struggling to get little time to write. but, to my utter astonishment I am not getting time to concentrate myself in my creative process. In the same time I am finding myself busy in cooking,reading in different social media on 'writing', listening YouTube continuously. It is of course not bad to get information from everywhere, but I should also think about my own short play in this great movie of my life time. I should focus on my dreams and try them to make real. This should be my goal by giving myself little space in all such busy schedule. 

I have book-self filled with books on fiction, non-fiction, history, geography, economics, literature, art , and many more thing. My hobby to purchase books add every year some book to my self. But, my own wrong routine blocks my reading habit. 

I should read and write daily, anything not to sigh over my achievements in the end of the day. 

Let me start.

Walk on...

Thanks .

On writing

  The night before the working day always hard... Even thinking of it envelops my weekends, and my holidays with grims, why? I never tried t...