Friday, 11 October 2019

Naya khoj

New khoj means new search.
Today I listened about the aliens and our religious beliefs. The people of world and their wish to know who are they? And how they have developed through a process from ape to humanbeing. What is the truth of religious stories and the past civilizations. 
The curiosity of humanbeing have to be satisfied by the religions or by the scientists. If science and religion will walk hand in hand we can discover the truth behind the past and the history. The time have come to ask "why", in every religious karma to have a scientific answer . It is the yugo of transition from man to super man. So, basic answer for each activity can be questioned. If there is no answer, we should analyse to discover the answer. 

Our religions have showed us about the Devtas,Angeles, giants, big birds, flying chariots,  flying mountains, flying horses. All these things should need answer.  Can we believe about this?

So, let's not fight was.
 Rather let's think about New khoj,  and develop together. 

Happy weekend.

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