Sunday, 29 September 2019


Family, this is the most beautiful word ever heard in this world. Interesting thing is ,this is the best place where we live peacefully without any fear and favour. But, our ego,greed, the wrong concept of freedom makes it a hell.
You are yourself can discover the reason. In my opinion you can save your family. You can bring joy in your family.  Before thinking to take any negative turn in your life look at the eyes of your children.  You can know what can you do to bring peace in your family.
Time changes.  This is the truth of life.
Think a little. Accept the hurdles of time. It will go away. Don't do anything that may harm your family. Don't do anything in pressure for which you may repent. Pause, think, take a glass of water,read a good book, look at the sky and nature. Cool down.your family is the heaven you have.
Do your best.
Be positive.
You are a powerful soul to face each challenge of life to fight and win.

Have a good day

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