Wednesday, 27 February 2013

 The song of the night
The night is telling something
Of you
Of me
The night bird is flying up and up
It is showing me a dream.
Do you know the life is opaque?
A magic mirror
Always show something written before
Cannot be changed
Only we get some exception
As per some unknowings blessing
What you want from me
Is already before you
As per the luck
Moreover, we are in an amazing dream.

by sarojini pattayat-2/27/2013

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Scattered snaps

Feeling the bits…
Joy blossoms in my heart,
Says spring is in your eyes.

Unveil the night…
Moon beam captures the moment,
Your smile is the star.

Enjoy the dawn…
Sky hugs the universe
 Colorful love all over.

School going children
Well dressed,
Their laugh fills the nature.

A little girl
 Looking eagerly,
Want to pluck the flower.

Fence around,
Little girl jumped
To catch the butterfly.

Sleeping fish
The water of river
 Discover a song.

Scented jungle
Stand and wait
Listen the new miracle.

Cows are grazing
Cowherd is inside
A music world.

Examination fever...
Students bear pressure
in silence.

by sarojini pattayat. 02/26/2013

Monday, 25 February 2013

Tapping bird

Tapping bird...
smile blooms
on mother's face


Winter mid-night
dream discovers in heart

Nice one!!! Regards

Mahvash Afzal, Aligarh
Jan 07, 2013

Ah! Winter yearning for comforting company superbly articulated!

Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad, A P, India
Jan 06, 2013

Saadat Tahir

Comment: beautiful...
great compression.....enjoyed
nice content and context
The test
It was a winning game.
I moved one step,
You moved two steps,
In the field we were
Two only,
With our pawn and all other.

All were our friend
Helping to create joys and sorrows;
Just like life,
Once painted,
And sing the song
To be listened till,
The eager of all vanished.

I won the game at the beginning
You won the game after
We were not satisfied
We quarreled a lot.
Now the time to bid good bye,
The test is over.

by sarojini pattayat -2/25/2013

I will start a novel.
Best wishes to all.
So much inspiration and advice.

8:16am Feb 25

Voice to be heard
Voice to be felt
Voice to be understood.
But, beyond it
something touches the horizon
that is to be discovered.
Is it loneliness,
or some story spoken
long years back,
Is it about the adventure
of childhood,
or about the days of youth
when spring just stood to
listen the poetry of love birds.
Voice to be heard
to be felt
to be understood
in the approaching old age
when nobody is there,
only loneliness, the friend
so dear to the heart
tells stories of whole life.

by sarojini pattayat.01/12/2013

Sunday, 24 February 2013

At my door step

At my door step
Trembling worm
Trying to go back
Again to the wet soil
But alas!
It failed.

At my door step,
Fallen dry leaf declares
Spring is approaching.

At my door step
Two brown birds,
Searching food for their new born
Fly away looking deeply into my eyes,
I failed to understand them;
And nature laughed at me satirically,
And whispered,
I am not yet perfect;
I have to face so many processes
To feel that,
I'm a complete human.
by sarojini pattayat.2/24/2013
When i talk with you

When i talk with you,
I easily found myself
In a beautiful spiritual world,
Birds chirps,
No disturbances, no war,
No sorrows,
Desires seems already satisfied.
Oh, who are you?
A friend, an emotional soul,
Taken birth
on the brown hard earth,
Hiding inside a veil,
Has come to rescue me
From all dreams and desires.

sarojini pattayat 02/23/2013

Saturday, 23 February 2013

The evening thought
Outside my office window
The fading day, the chirping birds
Here and there,
Talking about their achievements;
Flying kites, yet waiting for their last prey,
Evening is approaching,
It is the time to close the files,
And all official business,
And to think about home,
To think about children,
To make plan for their approaching examination,
To think about ailing mother-in-law,
To think how to take her to the doctor,
Giving medicine only for her psychological satisfaction,
So that,
She may live in this earth for a little more time,
And to enjoy the days dancing around her,
I prepared myself for all these tedious work,
Looked people enjoying the evening in the park nearby,
Sighed over my fate,
And gave myself solace that,
This is the true definition life,
We should be engaged always
To avoid sorrows, and depression,
And the fatal loneliness;
I reached my home,
The wild tree in front garden,
Received me,
with gentle scented cool breeze,
I felt it was saying something,
I looked up;
Wait for a while,
Thought my feeling was true,
It wanted me to enjoy,
The loving gesture of moon with its star,
I discovered,
The deep passionate feelings;
So eternal, so beautiful, so pious,
The whole surrounding seemed,
Swinging with pleasure,
My sorrows vanished in a moment;
Somebody whispered in my ear,that,
I'm some one's responsibility,
Who know, what I want,
Who know how to please me?
And how I shall get right direction,
I believe Him,
He is always with me,
To help and to cross the hurdles,
And understand the life.
Turn in the life is,
Natural and obvious,
With all hurdles and pain,
To prove our endurance,
Again and again.
by sarojini pattayat 02/22/2013, 11:54pm

When i talk with you

When i talk with you,
I easily found myself
In a beautiful spiritual world,
Birds chirps,
No disturbances, no war,
No sorrows,
Desires seems already satisfied.
Oh, who are you?
A friend, an emotional soul,
Taken birth
on the brown hard earth,
Hiding inside a veil,
Has come to rescue me
From all dreams and desires.

sarojini pattayat 02/23/2013

sarojini pattayat • At my door step
Fallen leaves say,
Spring is approaching.

Andy Ruffett • Sarojini, I hope spring to soon approach. Your poem was simple but effective.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

A turning point

Early morning .Birds was chirping in my garden. I was in my dream land, not wanting to awake as it was Sunday. The sweet sound of my mobile sings the song in my ear that a message has come. With sleepy eye I opened the message box and saw the message, ‘I am very sorry that my story caused you so much humiliation’. I amazed, as it was the message of most pride girl I ever found in this world.

I wake up, went to my bath room made me fresh. I wanted to meet her. I wrote,’ Merry, I want to meet you, come to the Forest park’. Without waiting the reply I started my two wheeler, reached the park and wait her under that particular tree where we were meeting every month.

In a few while I saw instead of Merry her father approaching me. At first I stunned, but I have to face the consequences. I wait 1,2,3, he was coming gradually towards me.

“Hello’, I said.

‘Do you love Merry’


“Then, I request you to forget her. She is going to marry a government officer. She will be happy.’

He turned, and went away without listening my any argument about my deep love, about my faith, about my dream for Merry.

It was a great surprise for me.

The sound of my mobile attracted me. I found it was Merry.

‘Hi, how are you’ I said with much softness.

‘Not well’


‘I’m unable to go.’

‘Yah, your father met me’

‘Then, you can know everything’

‘Yah, just feeling lonely’

A deep silence as filling the air.  had to face the situation. There was no way left for me.

I called.

“Mary, are you there’


‘I’m happy, no problem. About your recent story in city magazine also I have no problem’.

‘Yah, but the story made my father to take early step for my marriage’

‘It happens. Let us take different path in life. But we are friend always’

‘Don’t know,’

She was sobbing. But I had no word to give her solace. I also had no way to take her anywhere in this world. I know my limitation.

I silently switch up the mobile. I felt some type of thought  was taking me to her grip - feeling of failure game perhaps. Okay, let me face.

I left the park…

Author notes

Under the umbrella of feelings of loneliness, i have written this story. I think loneliness is the only cause in this contemporary  world which is taking away all our strength inside it. However my point is we have to face it not by taking any drug but by facing  it like a sports man.
© Sarojini Pattayat,

12th December 2012Et

It was a great day.I wandered here and there to say my achievements of 12th December, 2012. But, i surprised, nobody wanted to here me.I calmly went to my garden and addressing all brown birds said-'Hello, i have written some haiku today'. Then, i recited one by one before them.Some listened and some just flew away.I went to my office,prepared myself for a budget meeting, forget my passion and became a true executive.

Evening approached slowly.I remember the news of asteroids and the fear among some people about end of this universe. One of my colleague came,we discussed each point one by one on life and death. At the end we discovered the truth that,'let us not think the end,that will come automatically. Let us rather enjoy the moment what is going away without any noise'.

I returned home as usual.Somebody said me 'sleepy eyes glitters'. I wanted to write many thing.But it was the time to say good bye to the day 12/12/12.

Of course, the moment before me left me without my knowledge except my little experience and turned into past. Alas! i could not collect more pebbles of joy...

What did you think

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Rain amid the spring
The sky was gloomy,
Cool wind sharing the tale
Of the day,
Trees were naked without leafs
I was feeling dryness inside
somewhere in my passionate heart;
Like any woman of this world
looking at the nature's cruelty,
destroying something for welcoming new.
In the television news the news reader
about the approaching rain
I felt further greenish
hope within a month one or two
nature will smile with her all hue.
from the early morning
it is raining
the trees are now clean and beautiful
no dust, no sorrows;
Smell of the wet soil
in whole atmosphere
creating a feeling of love,
And, I'm longing for your presence 
to share with you
the joyous moment
of this unexpected
 rain amid the spring ;
I want to show you
how nature try to
paint joy every where
in soil, in the sky
inside the heart,
how she bring soft feelings
of life forgetting
sorrows, and
creates a world of dream.




Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Cathy Dewolf • To Laura:

Always Cupid peeks across the clouds,
When unseen, he's still around.
Your heart when open, he will find,
As you know, all love is blind.

The arrow's meant for you,
Lonely, saddened and also kind.
Keep your soul open, though confused,
Cupid's arrows oft times runs a bit askew.

sarojini pattayat • Laura,
we are here
sending red rose
and wish for you
that, you feel
love each moment.
keep smiling
embrace the nature
dancing around
of-course we are also
the part of nature;
be happy,
Happy Valentine day.

by sarojini pattayat 2/14/13

Friday, 8 February 2013

Katrina Plumb • .

Hi Sarojini,

Thank you for your gracious acceptance of the new theme. I hope you do not mind me giving a brief review of your childhood hero poem:

He is handsome,
have deep faith in God
and himself also.
He regularly appears
in the dream,
tells the stories of his land and people;
describes his adventure one after another
takes me to the unknown land
to feel joy like a swan flying in the blue sky.
He never betray whom he discovers
in the agony of worldly matters;
He remains always,
in my world of fantasy,
though i have already crossed
the childhood days and now approaching
towards the horizon of life.
Sometime i think him a dream
sometime i feel he is real,
i am yet inside a riddle
never tried to solve.

© Sarojini Pattayat

Woven into a riddle; bound by belief systems we have built up for decades; we need the hope of one who is constantly admirable, forever on our side. Thank you, Sarojini for showing us that playfulness can accompany us forever.

Is this a Muse, who balances worldly wisdom with divine inspiration, so perfectly? He provides the continuity the poet needs to keep facing escapade after escapade. One of the difficulties is distinguishing fact from fiction, but the poem holds us in ethereal wonder, where such analysis is unnecessary.

As Ruth Padel commented on reviewing Kathleen Jamie’s poem ‘Skeins of Geese’, when she saw the birds scrawling indecipherable words in the air: “We can live with not understanding everything. We have to.” Our internal riddles hold vital hope and unfathomable mystery.

Thank you, Sarojini.
5 days ago
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sarojini pattayat • Thanks Katrina for your powerful comment.You are all my inspiration you know.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


I am inside the SEVENTH season,
need you and your care for me,
need your soft careful voice,
need all the joy that nature feel.

where are you???
You have vanished from my time,
promised not to appear again;
Is it good and is it your judicious decision,
when you know that,nobody is pure and perfect
in this world of illusion.

You know,
this world is full of sorrows and joy,
We are also not here for civilization to come,
We are here,
to do what our conscious mind speaks,
We are here,
to appreciate the kind nature and that unknown
whom all say GOD.

Oh! my purest heart,
Letting go the poisons of our arguments,
Letting go the feelings of sorrows
Letting go our pride and anger,
Letting go what we destroyed yesterday,
I welcome you cordially to my abode of happiness,
where sky is more blue,
where birds sing song of LOVE,
where moon writes poem with stars,
and, where ocean paints
the stories of ages,
to feel and enjoy our little moment.
Please come...

by Sarojini Pattayat

Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Let we welcome
with warm wish
and some plan
to empower the weak woman
to face the hurdles
of life wisely
Let us discover something
what can bring peace in every corner
of society
where we are
and our generation
will live in future
to build a civilization
and give something to world
to remain in everybody's mind
It should be our motto
and slogan
to live and let live

Monday, 4 February 2013


Met you in eve hour
All passion mingled in a point,
tear changed into pearl
to adore the moment.

by sarojini pattayat

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...