Friday, 1 May 2020

All days are not same

The morning was usual with golden paint over the eastern sky. It was not doubt beautiful and the adding of chatters of birds was enough from nature to inspire me. I prepared herbal tea, not using tea leaf, but using tulsi leaf, tez patta, ginger. It helped me to feel inspired for taking a flight and dive into the day work and boost energy to my mind to think positive.
But, alas, my mind was travelling in the dream I had in the last night.
   The dream was not good. It was a dream of two friends. I saw them laughing and cooperating each other in their each work. But, somehow a friend wanted to be rich and famous without any hard work. He became a cheater. He cheated his friend,  acquired his business and left him.

The dream was shattering my mindset.  Yes, might be people like such living in this world. I tried to calm down my mind saying,  "don't worry. It was a dream. "But my religion says about last life and rebirth . Might be somewhere someone have cheated me in my last innumberable births, and now I am experiencing the pain again.  I argued and argued with my mind and said it to use the "forgive and forget ",technique.
I went outside to my little courtyard and looked at the sky, and cried, " oh blue, unending sky. I am forgiving the friend whoever he or she may be, and wherever he or she is now. And I am forgetting whatever he or she deed to me." Then suddenly I found myself relaxed and energized.
Life is such a mystery, a riddle. Civilization has come and vanished here ,no one have true record.  Mind is the deadly enemy and loveliest friend who remains within us to guard and also to destroy.
So, as the  most clever creation of God, life is what we can create and change. And the tool of forgiveness seems to be best tool to be happy and peaceful.

Happy writing

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