Sunday, 3 May 2020

A scene

It was late morning and the nature was in its beauty to heal everything around. 
But, the part of life of Mrs Kar was about to bring some sad stories. 
She could hear the gleeful talks of Mr Kar not far from her. She could even heard the kissing sound of her husband amid talking duration in mobile.  She could imagine the lovely lady in the other side of the mobile phone.She looked at her husband.  She felt little sad looking at the sluggish face of her aged husband. She was truely felt sorry for her husband.
She did not want to interrupt his joy of feeling young. "Let him do what he wishes.
Life she felt uncertain in such pandemic situation. If he is happy, why should she interfere?"She thought. 
She just told," Dear husband,  do you need a cup of coffee ?"
"Yeah."Mr Kar responded.
She smiled and went to kitchen to prepare coffee.

Happy writing 
Stay safe.

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