Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Scattered flowers of one morning

Under the wild tree,flowers were scattered and I felt the nature had decorated them with an unique style. The street was silent except the dogs playing their hide seek game. It was morning.
After lock down I was trying to have my normal life again to flourish with bustle. I observed the changed habits of people maintaining social distance. The Covid 19 taught them the truth of death and life. "How will be the life", I thought walking.
"Renu", someone was calling.  I looked back. A young man with mask was coming.  I was in mask also. I smiled myself as he was a strenger to me.
He came and asked, "you did not call back, why?"
"I am not Renu, Mr."
"Sorry, really sorry. I was waiting her  and thought you as Renu. Sorry."
I looked at his eyes and found grief.
"It's okay", I said and moved away.

I found him looking towards the scattered flowers under the wild tree.

Changing manner

We were talking to each other, discussing about a new project,
But, doubting each other , as the virus we can't see, might be somewhere...
With someone. ..
I couldn't not bear more, and said 'bye' with a strict instruction to discuss in mobile phone .
 I grumbled for my rudeness.
Yet felt safe.
What more could I do, except strict order!
The rain was raining constantly,
And I was feeling rain as a rain of anger.
My city was silent like a sanyashi. 

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Not a story

"Why are you going to office? "
Rohit said. His office is closed.  I know he is feeling boredom.
"I am in health sector.  I can't avoid.  I have to face the situation. " I replied.
The street was lonely. Whoever was out, all have to use mask. Using sanitizer is becoming the habit. My driver, asked "Ma'am,  when such thing will over."
I looked at him and replied, " Don't know. "
He became silent.

In the office I found people,  not so happy.  I opened my laptop. Rohit had sent a photograph of his college days adventure and friends.  I looked at the photograph.  Rohit was in his blue denim and a white shirt. His face was full of laughter in the photograph. All friends were enjoying their adventure trip near Himalayas. I replied.  "Rohit,  why are you not writing? In your college days you won many awards for your fantasy fiction. Dive into it again and forget your depression. " Rohit replied,  "Hmm. But I fear I have forgot all these things."
"Write about your college friend,  about our marriage,  about our son and daughter who are now in their work place . Our children will be happy reading your story Rohit.Write for me."
"He send back a smiley. "
I smiled looking at his smiley.
The thought of Covid 19 vanished from my mind.

 I thanked my mind to give a perfect plan to my Rohit.
Life is like this and we have to face. Anything can happen and anything we can  cross.

Monday, 27 April 2020

The busy hour

It is not the habit,but it happens. Thoughts jumble in busy hour and mind vibrates like a careless boy to do everything at one point of time.
In busy hour that's why sense of discipline can be used to remain stable and do work one after another using the technique, important work first.
Everything is important in life. So making a plan is so important to give time for each work.
Be busy,
Be happy,
Be peaceful and stable.

Happy writing 

An old poem

 Grand ma
Today the sky
full of floating  cloud
reminds me
the days of my grand ma
my favorite story teller
a great discoverer
of mystic world
the painter of a painting
full of angels and ghost.
She always chose
a plot
from the outer world
that i love,believe
and tremble in fear.
The twinkling star of the night
also stunned
and listen her
the moon obey her command
and hide her face
to make me sleep
in her warm and secured lap.
The days are gone,
now i am waiting
my grand children
to listen me
and make me feel
the joy of life
and step forward
to be the brightest star
of the dark night
to glitter always
and show them
the path to achieve and
face hurdles and success.

by sarojini pattayat 27/04/2013

Fountain of the dream

It was a beautiful fountain amid the deep forest in the world of silence. My dream  took me there unexpectedly to feel the magic and mystery. It was a great journey from realistic to unrealistic  and it was beyond my control.
" Can anyone control the dream?  No. "
Thus  my role was to go there.


I was in my room shivering.  I felt the mysterious dream. I was in fever. I wanted to drink water. A glass of water appeared from nowhere.  I did not think how it appeared.  I took and sipped.  I tasted bitter, yet I drank.


It was morning warm and acceptable.  I was in my room fresh and happy like a charming song. "Thank God," I said. Yet dream was there and I was feeling it.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Vibrations unique

This morning
Full of vibrations
Unique and peaceful.
My pet parrots are
Clean,and peaceful
In their swinging cages.
I heard koyel's coo,
His presence I felt
In my heart and His love enveloped my worries.
Inside the present pandemic situation, He is with us invisibly.
Nothing to worry.
No one is the master of this earth.
He will fight and save this world.
From deeper a voice most raise, as a prayer for Him to help.
He is fighting and we should do our duty like worship to add our faith to His power.
To help humanity most be
Our mantra.
No one can play game
With His beautiful creation.
Note- Life never a bed of roses. Each civilization has faced their unique problem.  So, now with our devotion to work we will fight the situation by social distancing and using mask. Our peasants should plough their field, our industries should finish their work, we should be self sufficient inside everything maintaining the social distance. Without cooking, how can I expect food on my table. Our discipline has strength to save us and fight this unusual situation.
Happy writing.
Stay safe.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Prathna, Prayer

Almighty Kamal Nayan has given me a perfect and healthy body, a peaceful and beautiful mind,time to take rest and think about the reasons of life,a safe home.
  After that what may be my wants!
He is doing what is good and perfect for me.
My work is to follow His voice that vibrates deeper in my heart and mind.
My sole work is to think before doing any karma, talk and dicuss with Him.
He is kind and good to give me everything basic. What is my necessities to look at other and feel jealousy inside heart. My duty is to keep going, doing the karmas I have given to do.
Other things are illussion to see, feel, enjoy and walk ahead and not to entangle with them unnecessarily.
Peace remains deeper inside that I should explore to remain stable in every situation performing my karmas.
He remains always in close vicinity.
My work is to know Him and love Him.
He is the ocean of Love. He is all Powerful.
He is the Father, the Friend,  The only Lover who never leave.

Happy writing

Seed of war

 They devour for
May it be war or stock exchange,
They plant it.
' cause,
They are keen to be immortal,
In history,
In parable,
In myth....
In the technology,scientific and logic.
What about the people,who toils in sweats and blood??
Their fate dangle in the hand of unseen in a dark corner.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Covid 19 and the morning

It is not the time
 To fear.
It is the time
to face.
Situation comes
 and it will pass away.
Discipline is necessary
to endure the hazards ,
of situation.
This process is called,
 You have to enjoy
 the karmas ,
and each moment of karmas.
 Feeling the
vibrations of karmas,
 deeper ...
can be the mantra ,
to feel that ,
you are a blessed one.

Now I am ,
enjoying the rain,
the thunders...
 and enjoying the atmosphere,
 of countryside,
 in the city,
silent and serene.
Is not it  the gift,
 the gift that a rishi, a muni, a sanyashi achieves
after constant struggle and focus!

     The sky is clouded,
and rain is cleaning
 the whole city,
The sound of rain
 I can feel ...
and the aroma of earth
is giving immense

    It is the time,
of going within...
 deeper and deeper
 and be stable,
to understand
 the situation.

Stay safe
 and positive.
Cross over
the multiplying depression
 and anger.

Happy writing

For a friend

Walking in the sun
Talking with the breeze
smelling the morning
remembering you
in my time
gifted me the life.
Where are you
at present?
In deep slumber
or in the dream land
escaping me,
my friendship here
singing the song of grief
inside a modern art gallery
to recognize your painting
of friendship.


The chirps


is gliding through the koyel's coo,
and of course aroma of jasmine all over,
In my dream also.

My blurring eyes did not miss the coolness of season passing by with hot glare.
Under the slanting sun brown bird was collecting gooseberry sticks to knit its nest.

Compassion everywhere I felt in my tiny heart:
Can I ever deny nature's heal?
It's eternal to support life in each season and stage.

I glared at the sky with tears of love.

Moss wall

Little ahead

right before the curve of the remote building a moss wall of old film hall

standing there from ages carrying the name of my loving stars.

Now the film hall is closed.

People say the place is projected for a gorgeous hotel,

But, I remember the days how we used to flee from high school to enjoy the movie.

The kite is soaring high and high,and time is galloping like a perfect palomino.

Yes, I am there

Racing ...

Swearing for a matching life,

Moss wall is there ,a dumb witness of my childhood.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Covid 19

It is not what I have ever wished about the world. The world is mostly in lockdown. Covid 19 have mostly engrossed the world.
I amazed. How the Creator of this beautiful world is still silent and not protecting the people and make this world zero covid 19. I remained in fear and in war like situation constantly, but now have crossed the bar of tolerance to face the situation first by accepting this. With all preventive majors I have to enjoy the life, look around the changing nature and enjoy the life as the blessings of Him. It is necessary.  "Fighting with a virus, invisible " is at present the policy of each nation,  each people. Living with the situation and walking ahead with progessive ideas and positive thought should be my motto. The unity of whole world forgetting all fights, battles is the demand of prevailing time.
I salutes the doctor,  the nurses,  the policy  makers, the cleaning persons,  each one who are facing the situation and wishing to remain safe with their family.
All are the children of God.
Stay at home, if you have no important role to perform and face the situation is the only mantra.
Connect to God in silent.
Relax your mind with positive thoughts.
Help each other.
Listen more before putting your argument.
Take care
Happy writing.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

He is there

The city,
 hot with April sun rays,
but somehow cool for the fear
Have closed doors ,
 But I apprehend , closed minds are also thriving there
 not good for the mother earth,
and for the children of God.

He is there
 and showing the way
to close the door,
not the mind,
not the conscience.

He is there
 inspiring all His children
 to allow sweet and cool breez
of positiveness.

Staying stable,
 in every battle
is the strength,
 He has put within us.

He is there
 to punish the soul
 who have tried
 to disturb His creation.

Be strong
and open your mind
 to remain calm
 in each step of battle. 

Wednesday, 8 April 2020


Destiny in your hand
As you have created
Carefully or carelessly
In the kingdom of thoughts
Deeper in your mind.

Consciously change
If you have put negatives
With positive and possible points.

Our creator have put
Inside us the power
To change our destiny.

Just pause, think
And walk ahead,
This world is yours'. 

Monday, 6 April 2020

Journal, Self talk -4

It is necessary
To remain in home
To avoid that flue
And thank God,
For His love.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Journal, Self talk-3

The evening.
 I found my old poetry to share.
Time is passing and now I am in 2020 facing lockdown, shortdown.
Ah! I am really thinking about the immunity and stamina I had in long past.
Okay,  enjoy the poem. I myself enjoyed it.

You, my Inspiration
Your sweet talk
glitters whole day in my heart
like a star I love
in the darkness
that shows me path
to crate a purpose in life,
and make plan to be successful.
You are
my sole inspiration;
keeping my hand in your hand
feeling the warmth of your thought
listening the music of your passionate heart
I think no difference
 between you and me.

Believe me,
I'm yours
in every birth
to walk side by side
unveiling the mysteries and riddles.

by sarojini pattayat.05/04/2013

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Journal, Self talk-2

After long days...
 in the evening I felt ,
my courtyard, little patch of sky above
 and the breeze
 that was dancing around 
had peace.
 I felt,
 my thought process 
was changing with positive vibrations.
 With little steps
 I could feel the dreams in me .

Friday, 3 April 2020

Journal, Self talk-1

It was evening, yes, announcement I heard on corfew, to play a defence game,
Against Covid 19.
Loving the game and living the lockdown. 
Yes, a challenge for humanity, like all such fantasy movie already we have seen and where battle ends saving the people.

In this game, in reality  each one of us the character, and no specific medicine except advices to increase immunity power and make social distance.
In the evening  I felt the  teasing smile of trees, herbs, birds, insects  around.  
I gasped. 

I heard the siran of police vehicle in the far away road,
I dived into my home,
Closed the door and window, 
Not fearing them, but for social distance and their teasing smile

Thursday, 2 April 2020

ସଂଘର୍ଷ COVID 19

ସ୍ବପ୍ନ ଦେଖୁଥିଲି।
ମୋ ସାମ୍ନାରେ ବସିଥିବା ଲୋକଟି ହଠାତ୍ କାଶିଲା,
କାଶି କାଶି ବେହାଲ ହେଉଥିଲା।
ମୁଁ ତାକୁ ହାତଠାରି ଇସାରା କଲି ଚାଲିଯାଅ ବୋଲି।
ସେ ମୋଟେ ଗଲାନାହିଁ।
ମୋ ଆଖି ଖୋଲିଲା,
ସୁନ୍ସାନ୍ ଚାରିପାଖ,
ମୁଁ କାଶିକାଶି ନିଜେହିଁ ନୟାନ୍ତ ହେଉଥିଲି ।

In dream also Covid is disturbing.  We should obey the direction of our Govt. & maintain social distance. We are lucky enough to have internet. Keep emotional connection with friend and family. Read your dream book or watch your dream movie. Be calm and take right decision at right time.


It is the time for self talk and self assesment. The climate here in Bhubaneswar is dry and hot. No need to go outside and dive into the crowd. People, yes all know to live alone. We all are lucky enough to be here in this earth with the facilities of internet and on line shopping.  It is the moment to work from home and work beyond any bondage of routine.  Time is now teaching us the love to ourselves and family and be prompt not to hide any types of  hardship of our body and mind. Time here have arrived to think and rethink everything with much importance.  As the most amazing creation of God we can fight to survive only following discipline.
Save Earth
Save Nature
Save Human being
Stay safe and healthy.

SUMMER GALE, (image of past years)

Yesterday by early summer gale the hot climate of Bhubaneswar changed a little. But, my courtyard filled up with dry leafs. Today one of my colleague described his experience how he was feeling during landing of plane in Bhubaneswar airport. He was returning from Chhenai at that time after visiting his son.

Amid the summer gale
 and lightening ,last eve
plane was trapped
with his lonely thoughts
dry leafs piled in the courtyard.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020


He is the Friend.
Talk to yourself,  who is with you,
Find Him.
He is with you.
He, your strength,  your guide in troubled water.
You can find Him.
Just talk yourself.
He is closer to your heart to reply you at anytime and anywhere.
He is the Friend,
awesome, almeighty,  and the only one whom you can believe. 

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...