Sunday, 28 July 2013


Pratik, one of my friend always makes me remember that, I am an adult and going to be old. Of course, whole-heartedly I accept the truth. However, my point is where it has been proved that a person at his/her ripping age is unable to achieve something. In India, all rishis achieved, in their ripe age. It is an age to put your experience in the life project to gift the world the most amazing thing of yours whole life.
I decided and wrote in my diary-
“I don't want to remember my age. This age factor is pushing me down. my young heart and mind will push me up and up to achieve in the game of life. I do not want to see the mirror to count my ripening hair or try to make them black. Let me think it as a change to adore my experience, decide my place in the responsible citizens, and make my young to follow me to face the life as it is”.

by sarojini Pattayat.29/07/2013

1 comment:

  1. age is just a number and that does not influence the youthfulness of our life ... we determine that not are at a time in your life where it is important to enjoy the beauty of aging with laughter celebrations, dancing, company of good friends and embrace the beautiful women that u are.


The chirps

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