Saturday, 4 May 2013

A desire
Sometime slightest of sound
on my door
make me believe
that you have come,
I have never want
to make life
a pathetic story
I know
I love you
from the depth of my heart.
This is the reason
why I wait for you;
Your presence
in my world,
spread fragrance of love
that you understand
and I feel;
we are not here
to quarrel
and destroy
the balance life
inside agony and pain.
your little trial
will make you
to penetrate in my heart
and gift you
the pearl of the moment
where I’m waiting
to show the dream of life.
Don’t think
I’m an illusion;
In the life we have to
share our thought
with someone
who love;
Oh dear!
Now  forget the past,
What can never
be erased,
Please come
and share my world
touch my soft feelings
to enjoy the path of life
and listen the soft-
eternal music,
the ocean of time
for us
from ages.

 by sarojini pattayat-01/04/2013

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