Monday, 8 April 2013

Inside the hot summer noon
Inside the hot summer noon
a hot discussion on love
in my cool chamber
surprised me and my conscience
whether i am really
have interest to know
what is love?
So many interesting point
filled the air
with mango juice,
one of my friend said
'love is nothing but the emotional attachment'
another said 'love is the passion
just like the sweet death of an insect in fire'
I listened and listened,
could not reply
as I'm still in dilemma
whether love actually exists???
Whether the thrill
that, sometime satisfy
my inner soul
can be called love,
whether the attraction
to somebody or to something
can be defined as love,
or, the desire to sacrifice
everything for somebody
or for some cause
is real love,
Love, the riddle
tells new story each moment
shows a new face
new passion
to hug and dream
the angel
who never come
in whole life.
the dream
covers whole life
as the blue sky
covers the earth
for creation of new life
to enhance beauty and joy.
Love still unsolved
a matter of feelings
in each moment,
a challenge, that
attracts the inner soul
to take up a journey
and discover.

by sarojini pattayat.08/04/2013

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