Thursday, 18 April 2013

Can i forget You

You are in my thought
Wants to forget you
you dominate my world...;
Can you ever come
help me
to again stand...;
When i look at the sky
i found
your thought
wandering there
for me...
when i look back
to the earth
i smell
the fragrance
of your herb
you planted
one day
and directed
to water them
every day...;

Can i ever forget you...

My whole life
in wake up or sleep
in my dream
or in my real world
you are there,
you are there,
you are there...
as my sorrow and joy
or as my prayer...

i forget you...

by sarojini pattayat.19/04/2013

Comment of my friends-
1---thanks for yr poem.but don't be too much emotional. we r now not a college student.
2---Good one........ never forget to anyone to whom we like in them in our life.
3.Great poem

For me this poem feels like a romance
between  Man and God; it has a spiritual quality to it that I appreciate. 

Furthermore the music and style of this piece is very soothing. 
I like the part when you said, "the fragrance of your herb."

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