Tuesday, 2 April 2013

In the ocean of sorrows

Life is the ocean of sorrows,
desire is the cause of sorrow,
This is the truth
that we face each day ,
at each moment
in every step;
from sun rise to sun set,
inside moonlit night,
under the star filled sky,
inside greenery,
or in the desert.
can we ever
find a place
a clean vacuum
free of desires???
In our blood
desire flows
like a current
to climb the steps of life,
dream gives strength
to feel the blessings
and inhale the love
to like the inner soul;
and have faith
on the surroundings.
We are here with desires
and also leave this earth
with desires.
What is the harm
in living a life gracefully
with desires and dream?
Let we accept,
the naked truth
to feel brightness
inside and in the outer world
and live
like other,
in the lap of mother nature.
by sarojini pattayat.-02/04/2013

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