Monday, 25 March 2013

The Mirage
The days passed.
Love bloom everywhere,
in the earth,in the sky,
in whole universe.
But at the end
the same result;
a mirage
wait to adore the moment.
Illusion rules the life;
unsatisfied thirst
kills the heart bit by bit
to destroy present and future
and try to make the life 
a riddle,
A mirror;
that shows joy
and attracts
to wander
without any aim.
The argument 
somewhere deep inside
talks again and again
to be conscious
but, the mind
don't want to understand
don't want to accept
the real
It only want to 
get satisfaction
from the dream.
The life becomes
a satire,
and mingles with the moment
to touch the end.

by sarojini pattayat.25/03/2013

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