Friday, 22 May 2020

The bird and the old book

The bird flew a little, perched over a branch of gooseberry tree. The branch trembled and settled. Some dry leafs fell down.
The murmurs of breeze she felt.
It was not new to Sulabha. Smile was dancing over her lips. She knows, it happens everywhere in the nature and what she observed was only a snapshot.
She sighed and looked towards the old book in her hand. She  again immersed in the pages of  the old book ,but felt somewhere a deep connection between the nature and the the words written.
Old book was not the singing bird. The bird was not the book. But she was flying with the old book and the bird from present to past and again to future.

Thursday, 21 May 2020


it surprised me
how people changes
anger brusts
in the battle of Covid also.
over the horizon
still the single star
peeps to show
the ultimate path
to walk alone.

leaving  your zon
of turmoil,
turning to have
my abode of poetry
oh once good people,
live your days
in peace
as we are mortal.

pain brings poetry
I am thankful
but how long to endure!
one day it may burst
and I may be like you
in the battle
swimming in the ocean of anger.

Friday, 15 May 2020


Never stops.
And it is the responsibility
Of each one of us
To help it to go on.

To remain in the present
Is the mantra.
To enjoy the present
Is the weapon.

No past, no future.
Present is the king.

Life is
To experience,
To enjoy,
To win.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

A cup of tea

A cup of tea,
After long days
In my office ,
Enough to forget
All the difficulties
In these days of pandemic.

I said,
Smiled lisurely
Studying the audit reports
Of last financial year.

The share market
Is  racing with volatile steps,
How much I have to invest!
In between wants and pandemic
I may or may not see the next day sun,
Or may with my immunities could cross the situation. ..
Whatever may be
The cup of tea have poured
Inspiring positives,
To fly ,
And fly over everything ...
As I am the best creation of God
To face anything.

Happy writing 

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Levels of resistance

How many days to wait!
Waiting seems endless. ..
Can't I again ...
The impossible thoughts mind creates and genuine replies conscience gives. In between 'I',the 'I'entity wishes to follow an easy road.
But, as the situation is serious following the rules of Government can give safety, that each one to obey.

My experience

I talked with my helping maid  in ehe evening to join the duty from tomorrow. But, my conscious mind directed to discuss the issue with my husband.  I discussed and tried to impress him by saying that, I can't do the work anymore and I may fall ill working every day. My husband denied.  First I felt sad.  But, when I think about this  situation of contamination I am feeling ' he is right'.

Sometime man becomes weak.
Doing all work in a phased manner will help a lot. But breaking social distance can bring intolerable events.

Be happy
Stay safe
Work is worship.
Happy writing

Sunday, 3 May 2020

A scene

It was late morning and the nature was in its beauty to heal everything around. 
But, the part of life of Mrs Kar was about to bring some sad stories. 
She could hear the gleeful talks of Mr Kar not far from her. She could even heard the kissing sound of her husband amid talking duration in mobile.  She could imagine the lovely lady in the other side of the mobile phone.She looked at her husband.  She felt little sad looking at the sluggish face of her aged husband. She was truely felt sorry for her husband.
She did not want to interrupt his joy of feeling young. "Let him do what he wishes.
Life she felt uncertain in such pandemic situation. If he is happy, why should she interfere?"She thought. 
She just told," Dear husband,  do you need a cup of coffee ?"
"Yeah."Mr Kar responded.
She smiled and went to kitchen to prepare coffee.

Happy writing 
Stay safe.

Saturday, 2 May 2020


Mind each time chooses
An easy way,
But that's not the way
I should walk.
Before putting my feet
I have to pause and think
Every aspect ,
Not only from my experiences,
But from other's experience too.

The world is great
And it's history everywhere
The stories I should know
The knowledge I should gain
Before beginning of my karma.

Mind encourages
To play an easy role
That's I should argue
before participating..

Oh my dear soul
Take the way of swadhyaya,
The techniques of self talk
In some lisure,
Each moment should be the moment of discussion with the mind,
As mind also need a friend
And it is not the foe.


Stay safe
Happy writing

It is all about the life

It is all about the life.
Looking towards the closed temples,churches, mosques,
I amazed and felt the true dwelling of God
not anywhere,but deeper inside the heart
where mind plays the role of priest.
As everywhere at present silence prevails,  I should calm down my mind and create myself the abode of Shanti,  and accept this moment as the precious and surprised gift from Him.
The fear most be avoided as He is with us.
Let's fight the battle ,as this is the real Kurukshetra and God remains at such volitile moments.

Staying in the home and social distancing even among each member of family is the magic vaccination everyone most feel.

Happy writing.

Friday, 1 May 2020

All days are not same

The morning was usual with golden paint over the eastern sky. It was not doubt beautiful and the adding of chatters of birds was enough from nature to inspire me. I prepared herbal tea, not using tea leaf, but using tulsi leaf, tez patta, ginger. It helped me to feel inspired for taking a flight and dive into the day work and boost energy to my mind to think positive.
But, alas, my mind was travelling in the dream I had in the last night.
   The dream was not good. It was a dream of two friends. I saw them laughing and cooperating each other in their each work. But, somehow a friend wanted to be rich and famous without any hard work. He became a cheater. He cheated his friend,  acquired his business and left him.

The dream was shattering my mindset.  Yes, might be people like such living in this world. I tried to calm down my mind saying,  "don't worry. It was a dream. "But my religion says about last life and rebirth . Might be somewhere someone have cheated me in my last innumberable births, and now I am experiencing the pain again.  I argued and argued with my mind and said it to use the "forgive and forget ",technique.
I went outside to my little courtyard and looked at the sky, and cried, " oh blue, unending sky. I am forgiving the friend whoever he or she may be, and wherever he or she is now. And I am forgetting whatever he or she deed to me." Then suddenly I found myself relaxed and energized.
Life is such a mystery, a riddle. Civilization has come and vanished here ,no one have true record.  Mind is the deadly enemy and loveliest friend who remains within us to guard and also to destroy.
So, as the  most clever creation of God, life is what we can create and change. And the tool of forgiveness seems to be best tool to be happy and peaceful.

Happy writing

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...