Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Have you ever seen a dream,
the real dream!
Real dream will not hurt.
Rather it will pour inspirations to develop
And face the life.

Monday, 29 May 2017

chapter one

It was really a matter of fact that, Mira had a bad dream about  Rohit. She did not want to share everything with Rohit. She wants to bear the sadness of dream herself and wait for the better time, when she would think it as unimportant.
Mira was not a silly woman. She was a graduate in Economics, and knew the rise and fall of stock market and had enough knowledge of business. She was in love with Rohit and got married only last month. In a joint family, it was not easy to handle every case easily. Rohit was constantly facing loss in business deal and Mira wanted to help him. But how, she did not know.

It was darkness everywhere. It was a hot summer evening. Rohit, wished to return to home early. Mira had already called him five times. But he had enough work to finish today. He had a meeting with chief engineer, works department as regards the tender. After repeated failure from last few months, he himself wanted to handle the situation. So, he was preparing himself for the meeting and thinking if negotiation point arise, what should be his answer. It was about a bridge over river Subarnarekha what can be a brilliant project and earned him more than thirty crores of profit after dealing with every subject. He again found Mira’s message in his mobile.
‘please come. We will both discuss.’
He knows Mira as a brilliant student. And, he feels lucky to have Mira as his lover and life partner. But, he don’t want her to drag her to the business circle and take risks and responsibilities. He wants her to live happily and peacefully, and be the queen of his life, and ultimately give him a peaceful home. Moreover, their marriage was only one month. How he would give burden to a newly married wife. Better, after the tender meeting of tomorrow he will go outside with Mira to give her a surprise.

Monday, 22 May 2017

The note-book

At each bell her heart was jumping. But, why? Is she was fearing for something beyond her little knowledge. She kept her note book over the study table laying in a corner and drank little water from her glass. What for she was fearing? Was this one was the reason of her blood pressure or whether she was really a weak woman of this earth. A gust of cool breeze touched her traveling through the half opened window. She could feel the peace in her heart. 'No she has not made any guilt in her any work' she thought again. No, the fear, the doubt of her own strength was only bringing the fearing feelings she thought. She again drank a little water and sat near the table to begin her story. She was to finish it to die peacefully. How could she  leave the earth with an unfinished story?

The note book was old and tattered.Her handwriting notes were clearly visible there. So many ideas were cleverly sketched there to give a direction to someone interested to save the earth from danger. She had cleverly planted the ideas for someone to understand after her. But, she did know who could be that 'someone' of future?
Her job was to write she thought. She focused on her writing.


Saturday, 20 May 2017

The Fantasy World

If I will describe everything as real, it is only relatively true. Because, we naturally live amid fantasy inwardly. In our inner world we meet everything for our enjoyment. So, let us start.

The garden
Seasons enters to the garden with their distinct steps. Each season has its own values to share with us. The squirrels of the garden had their cottages and were living there happily. The old squirrel was collecting ripe mangoes to for him, but for the grand children.
Sh...Ah...Tik taks...
The grand father squirrel looked at the iron gate of the house.Someone was coming. "Oh, little girl of the tarpaulin cottage, near big drain of the city". The girl was coming stealthily, with soft sounds, with an intentions to not disturb anyone of the house and with only aim to get some ripe mangoes. The grand father squirrel observed the girl's poor look, tattered dress and sighed.'People just gives birth to the children and forgets to take care' grand father squirrel thought. Nature also unable to help them. "What a poor life!". The mango tree was happy looking at the girl. Summer breeze danced over its branches and ripe mangoes filled the ground.
The girl paused, smiled and collected the mangoes in her polythene bag. Grand father squirrel also felt happiness inside his heart.

" The garden became the abode of joys with summer, squirrels, and the little girl of the cottage of city drain'

Monday, 15 May 2017

Nisha was there, in her office chamber silently waiting for the unforeseen consequences. She opened her water bottle and drank to ease her tension.She had no scope to know the weather outside. She can only imagine the forty degree blazing sun, how it is now warming the city. She has to wait. Her waiting may give her the achievement, she thought...


Friday, 12 May 2017

The grass and the graveyard

Lays there the heroes of days
Adventure was their passion,
You cared them with glossy touches
'O' nature's great creation.
Over the stage, last scene was staged
You were the silent beholder,
Under grieve they parted from this earth
They might be rich or pauper.
When I passes beside graveyard and you
I smile for my follis,
How I am struggling for name and fame
When everything will vanish.
We are in a illusory castle
Walking in our path,
Rest is with the the hand of time
We will find, what we worth.

~sarojini ~

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Tear and smile

I never wished
To block tear to flow
And smile to lost simply.
I adore it to flow
& open the secrets of heart.
To veil the heart is intolerable.
I appreciate them who have taken a vow to leave this mysterious earth keeping their words and worries in deepest corner of their heart.
I really appreciate their pride and fear.
As a mortal being I am in the side of them who have opened their secrets like a best child of mother earth.
They are fearless and adventures.
I worshiped them as the changers.
I appreciate the flow of tear and smile.

~sarojini ~

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

The wall
The wall
Not very old, but was mossy and miserable by rain, Sun, winter.
The thing was no one looking at it.
The loneliness perceives.
A cat came and sat leanings over it.
A friend entered to the scene.
The wall got a friend to talk 

and observe the starry night, floating clouds, seasons passing by.
Now it felt joy everywhere.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Morning courtyard
With the dried leafs of jack fruits and mango tree,
It was simmering in dream:
It was swept, cleaned,
Dried leafs piled

 and taken by municipality people to dispose:
Courtyard again waited dry leafs to fall 

and settle over it to listen their talk of whole day.

Life and arthritis
Painful of course...
Swelling joints, trembling hands, cheater legs,
A fear, psychological and powerful to clutch you in dark depression, all negatives.
Eating fruits is harmful for you, doctor opined...
It's the nature blessings, mind said,
It was the repeated arguments. ..
I read Harry Potter
Found the graveyar

here and there,
The ultimate truth
The graveyard...
Is not it awesome,
Finding grave yards!!!

Life is just a mock and living with arthrites, one adventure.
I choose a best apple to eat in the breakfast.


Wednesday, 3 May 2017

About  writing

You have to choose your own life. If I am an author,
my first job is to write. From early morning I should think about a story
 and I have to research.
If I am a poet, nature has immense inspiration...
my job is to listen its voice and choose images.
No thanks and no sorry...
Walking is the best policy. ..

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

~three steps~

♡♡♡ a castle♡♡♡

■a cave■

♢♢♢ a temple♢♢♢


Monday, 1 May 2017

All about publishing

We talked a lot.
 She had called me to share her thought.
Of course all want to share with a wish to have a supporter to their activities.
 I agreed with her all points.
One point was ,
 she don't want to hurt her publisher about scanty publication of her book,
 moreover with imperfect proof reading with maximum spelling mistakes.
She said 'let me think I have given ten thousand to some of my relative.'
 I agreed with her as i know my disagreement could not be the way to get back the money from that publisher.
But it again revealed me a dark side of the publication industry of my State,
how publisher are cheating people.
It is truly a hurdle for an aspiring writer.

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...