Sunday, 22 September 2013

What You are for me.(1)

You emerged,then disappeared in the present event.
What it mean? A hollowness, a vacuum , a  silent past.
It is true, everybody can live without everybody.
But, it is my own thought that each time bring your cute face before me to make me sad.

A home
without you is full of disastrous.
I have no interest to make them tidy.
I don't know why did my all strength  not supporting me,
an idleness around me looking days and nights to passed away slowly
without any word.

Yours voice in the mobile is only thing to give me a little solace,
I salute the unknown scientist who has made it easy to keep our relation warm;
Otherwise the telepathy, the single way to proof my existence in your moment.

I love you no doubt,
I know you also love me like the blue ocean loving the beach
But, the distance is too painful to bear.

The black cloud
the lightning
the song of rain
is no more sweet romantic,
Really I am inside the abode of grief .

by sarojini pattayat.22/09/2013.Sunday

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