Sunday, 29 September 2013

Discovering a new world
Everyday with You
I enters into a new world of beauty and passion.
Have You ever doubt it?
We are very close
and each day we takes a new path
to understand the meaning of life.
In Yours absence
I burn myself with disturbance of doubt:
People talk our closeness full of selfishness
what I never belief.
The rain outside, the song of tapping birds on my the roof of my home,
the moving clouds, the dancing trees,
the falling leafs,
the giggles of school children in play ground,
the faith of my husband,
the freshness of life around says,
Yours existence at each cell of my life.
No doubt we are really getting closer day by day
I feel the warmth of Yours touch
very close to my heart
and Yours voice gives me peace
in my closed eyes
to discover a new dream land.

Author Notes
Love is the only inspiration of my poem

© Sarojini Pattayat. All rights reserved,

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