Saturday, 16 July 2022


 Months are arriving and leaving. Without your footprints over the bay of time , the joy of a winner you can never feel. The footprints I mean your achievements. It is not about waking up or sleeping or doing your daily work. It is about something that may make you proud.

So, you have to choose and create your destiny. You have to focus. you have to learn to know your opportunities. You have to set goal, focus and achieve it. 

It is not so easy.

I am writing to be a good writer.

But, I am not living a writer's life.

Then can it be possible to walk in this way?

Behind every achievement lots of hard work we can discover.

Without writing one can never be a writer.

This happens in each sphere of society.

Without hard work and practice one can never feel the achiever's winning enjoyment.

We always see the end product. We appreciate. But, we never try to know the hard work behind it. We say them lucky person and always avoid the opportunities around us due to our own lazy behavior.


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