Tuesday, 22 November 2022



I looked outside the window 
and discovered a morning enveloped by  fog 
and again fantasized it as a land of angels
 for my meeting to live a great, and beautiful life.
The parrot cried from the nearby tree
and I heard the morning song to prove myself alive 
amid the nature 
over the mother earth 
who every moment becomes kinder 
before myself lost in the abyss.
I recalled my literary days,
 the cheers, 
the awards, the hopes, 
the dreams to win the marathon
 amid claps of friends and family.
My eyes filled with tears, 
rolled out , 
evaporated in the atmosphere marking me a loser.
 I fell down...
Again tried
again be ready to run.
My legs became friendly
My mind opened the secret door of dreams.
Aging I avoided,
 polished my grey hairs, 
put some makeup on my face
 and looked into the mirror.
I smiled as I rediscovered myself .
I avoided the laughter around 
when I approached the closed door 
of depression, failures, dark and negative thoughts.
The sun was at its utmost beauty 
waiting in the west 
for the slumber to welcome.
I with deep satisfaction 
 resumed my journey 
went deeper 
and rediscovered the rising sun 
just in the opposite world
 as everything in life
 moves inside a circle
As everything in life 
happens inside a circle.
Felt the immortality
and filled with gratitude.

Saturday, 19 November 2022

Letter to your friend about your village.

 Dear Krishna,

Have you ever remember me?I think to ask you such question at this stage of life is not so simple as we never expected.Long past there was a temple in the mid town where we used to go and play with our other friends. The temple was small ,unique and the old man who was their worshiping God was our chief subject of gossip. I used to sip the drops of holy water being distributed by the old man where tulshi patta was floating. Those days were beautiful, tension free and full of joy.

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

The memoir


People say it is easy to write memoir

But, in my opinion,it is not so easy

to open the door of your personal world

for the people around.

Still every word you write has flavor 

of your personal experience

may it be your own or of other you know.

So, your every story, your essays,

even your poem are your memoir

painted with colors .

The literary world 

welcome everything 

as it has magic

to forgive and forget.

Your memoir is immortal.

Monday, 5 September 2022



Saturday, 3 September 2022

writers block


Each writer at times faces writers block what was earlier beyond my own thought.

But it happens.

It happens, because we are human being and we have also some limits in each of our action.

It happens, because there are many things in this earth to break our journey.

It happens, because sometime our protagonist wants not to move and sit somewhere to rest.

It happens,

So, we should not be mocked by anyone who don’t know us and lives a social life.

We are special.

So, we should move on in our path bribing our characters to smell the aroma in the end.

Of course, tragic end may inspire our reader to purchase our book.

But I wish to see joy in my protagonist.


It is beyond any word to describe the depth of sunshine, the feelings, the aroma. It was a quiet morning. The path was beautiful, of course in my eyes, as I was enjoying the fallen leaves and petals of flowers. I preferred walking to smell the nature. I got a squirrel with four brown bird collecting food under a mango tree. I found a butterfly was competing with me and I speed up my pace. At last, the butterfly became tired and sat over the green leaf of a wild tree.

Talking nature…

under the sunshine

my palms were filled

with flower petals

to weave a dream in leisure

and again, share it with all.

Sunshine was beautiful and was penetrating in each cell to recall my childhood days.

I loved it



It is not easy

But it is the adventure

to join a job,

and to earn money.


I meet my junior

after a long gap,

joined their tea party.

Under the aroma of tea

I rediscovered my talent.

One of them appreciated

What I write,

And my plan to be a full-time author

after retirement.

I left them with sparks of smile.

I could feel myself a different person,

Confident, full of hope and dream

to earn money…

till the day I bade farewell to this beautiful earth.

The Old letter


Monday, 1 August 2022



Whenever I think about my father, I always recall the morning when at class six I tried to compare my palms with his palms, and he laughed a lot. He did not say anything, only laughed.
I also joined him.
But I was confused. (I am still confused)
He was always with me in my days of achievements as well as in my days of depression and failure.
He is no more in this world now to see my achievements and laugh.
I can never forget you bapa.

Saturday, 16 July 2022


 Months are arriving and leaving. Without your footprints over the bay of time , the joy of a winner you can never feel. The footprints I mean your achievements. It is not about waking up or sleeping or doing your daily work. It is about something that may make you proud.

So, you have to choose and create your destiny. You have to focus. you have to learn to know your opportunities. You have to set goal, focus and achieve it. 

It is not so easy.

I am writing to be a good writer.

But, I am not living a writer's life.

Then can it be possible to walk in this way?

Behind every achievement lots of hard work we can discover.

Without writing one can never be a writer.

This happens in each sphere of society.

Without hard work and practice one can never feel the achiever's winning enjoyment.

We always see the end product. We appreciate. But, we never try to know the hard work behind it. We say them lucky person and always avoid the opportunities around us due to our own lazy behavior.


Friday, 15 July 2022

God have created everything to pass away



It was a rainy day...

It was a sunny day...

It was a clod day, It was winter...

It was spring with koyel and flowers...

All day we remember passes...

Step by step...

Each day 

Each moment

We have are precious

'cause, we never meet them again...


God have created everything to pass away...


But its essence is mysterious, magical, musical...

We can keep everything in our mind 

to recall...

To dream...

To be wise...

Thursday, 3 February 2022



You wished...

wishes bloomed 

to think and rethink

sun,  dived in the west. 

I planned

for a novel

basing on your journey

from countryside to the metro city

and i confused

as i saw your mom

still in a dark corner

not knowing the world around

pathetic i thought

yet i blocked by negatives only

to find a coy place for her

in my story.

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Shades 1

 It was evening. Sun was to set in the west. I was in my kitchen, but listening the busy city. I thought to have a cup of tea and relax. The evening sky was turning gold, the drifting hopes. Time was jumping towrds blurry darkness.Two birds I saw flying from west to east, perhaps returning to their nest.

changing images 

shades  never blocks 

a fly to home.


The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...