Monday, 30 September 2019

Technique of writing

To write means to relax.It is truly a work the first give peace to the writer.each writer definitely can not deny it.
   Last evening. It was 30th September. After attending a farewell meeting of retired person my mind was in pressure thinking about my own retirement. I actually was not thinking myself. My mind was automatically thinking. It was like shouting at me. Returning home I paused. I looked at books around in my bedroom. A thought flashed like lightning in a cloudy sky . I immediately wrote down in the note pad. Some one inside appeared before me and said ,"Okay. Now go and finish other work ." And some one inside said, " end the story please." As I was conscious, I wrote down whole thing whatever was comming from inside. It is of course a messy draft,but after writing  I felt better and relaxed.
Write down whatever comming from inside in your journal. 
Already end the story, paragraph or a chapter later to edit.
Your writing is your tool to relax.
It depends upon you if you want to publish.
Observe the world around and write everything. 
Don't stop the writing call of your friend within.
Be brave .
Never be lazy.
Write a lot and read a lot.
Happy writing. 
Have a good day.

Sunday, 29 September 2019


Family, this is the most beautiful word ever heard in this world. Interesting thing is ,this is the best place where we live peacefully without any fear and favour. But, our ego,greed, the wrong concept of freedom makes it a hell.
You are yourself can discover the reason. In my opinion you can save your family. You can bring joy in your family.  Before thinking to take any negative turn in your life look at the eyes of your children.  You can know what can you do to bring peace in your family.
Time changes.  This is the truth of life.
Think a little. Accept the hurdles of time. It will go away. Don't do anything that may harm your family. Don't do anything in pressure for which you may repent. Pause, think, take a glass of water,read a good book, look at the sky and nature. Cool down.your family is the heaven you have.
Do your best.
Be positive.
You are a powerful soul to face each challenge of life to fight and win.

Have a good day

Amid everything

Time passes. Yes, this is the truth. Amid everything you live and experience the end. It is a process. It is in your hand. You can make it or break it. It is like your favourite tea cup. It is so beautiful. You can feel the emotional attachment with this.It is so pure and aromatic. You can never deny the gifts you have got from this life.
Wtite down one by one what you have got in this life. You will soon discover the wealth you have. Surprisingly you can discover your true enemy,that is your mind that drags you to the uncertainty.
Oh my God! You will say. You will find yourself smiling.  Smile please. It is the tool you have to enjoy your time. Right!
Smile. ..
The day is yours'
You are the best creation of universe.
Why to beg happiness from other. Rather spread happiness with your good deeds and smile. Make yourself busy. Work a lot and read a lot. Spend less and save more, atleast 10% of your income. Be rich inside.

Have a good day

Friday, 27 September 2019

Story board

I am sure, you are a writer or a film maker. Your passion has the strength to discover the things in a new strategies. So, here I have brought you a technique to make your journey easy.
You know your story. You have to show your feelings now to make your audience, readers understand what you want to tell them. Here the requirement of a story board is necessary. Look at your story. If you are a writer divide it in scenes.  If you are film maker divide it into shots. Draw images now .  Discuss each scene or shot with your team. It will help you to discover your weakness and rectify them in time.
In present world you have to spent something in this journey to be a writer or a filmmaker. So, your little mistake may harm you and your creative journey.  People can never be hundred percent perfect. Yet, to avoid major mistake you have to be cautious.
I think, story board will help you like a great friend.
Be happy
Be positive
Yes, read a lot and write a lot
Have a good day.

The environment

Environment is a vast subject to study. Right!
But, we all live in the lap of environment. We cannot deny the love we got from this to inhale oxygen for our living. As it is abundantly supplied, we have not yet felt its importance. Now the global warming, unusual storms, the floods, the earthquakes what we are experiencing is the reason of environment pollution, the reason are we, human being. Environment is precious for us than gold and diamonds. We are running after the materials whole life. Just think, what we have planned to save environment. Don’t fear the human ghost, fear the environment ghost. If environment will destroy we all will go to hell. Our fault will destroy our future. Don’t we want the reign of human being in this earth?  Go to a lonely place, sit in silence and think. Shouldn’t we save forest, the water bodies, the sky, the earth? If there is something like next birth we will again come to this earth to enjoy the life. Should we come again here to face the pollution? Think, think, think…
Let’s plant a tree, restrict plastics, and clean the water bodies by following the rules of nature. Let’s make environment our friend and be an example for our future generation.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Money management

The world is full of illusion. Truly the life inside this short time can be better with the help of money, as this is the most powerful tool in this mortal world. Money is the necessity, not the luxury. It is essential. That is why the place of Mother Laxmi is so important in the Indian culture. So, it is the duty really for us to know the importance of money and the way to keep it following proper management.

Make a plan
Know your income and expenditure
Save at least ten percent of your income each month if you are getting monthly salary. Otherwise save ten percent of income whenever you are getting.
Know your true requirements. Sufficiently plan ahead for any luxury.
Be happy and remain peaceful to overcome the challenges of life.

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...