Monday, 24 July 2017

'writer's life is really interesting'

Looking at my chamber.It is good, usual. But, one thing happened. While writing most of the time we travel into the past.It hurts. We experience the feeling of 'missing' of days we already passed.And really it is awful to remember. But, as a writer it comes frequently. A writer lives both in past and present and predicts the future.  So, smile please.

"happy writing"...

Image result for smile image

Saturday, 22 July 2017

"writer's life is really interesting"

After reading so many blogs, one thing I discovered, "Life is a mystery and we have very little time".
I found many blogger not updated their blogs. They are vanished.(Alas! one day I will also...)I am in love for, I am here.
Cloudy day...
No sunshine...
Nature is beautiful...
I am beholding the nature...
I am its part...
Nature is also within my heart and mind...
I am not trapped by the griefs, or depression...
I am hugged by the love and satisfaction...
I am a peaceful person....
Peace is my natural right...
My anger is decreasing day by day...
I am the author of my own play ...
I am the creator of my destiny...
I am the captain of my little canopy...
I am the bird soaring in endless journy...
No fear...
No anxiety...

Thursday, 20 July 2017

"writer's life is really interesting"

Before the actual writing...

Reading like a busy person.
Too much reading lost its value...Hmm...(a sigh)
How to learn ...actually says the mind, with deep concern.
Oh! I am killing time  and playing with time , someone says like a teacher inside. (Yes, it is true)
Now to escape it only one way seems there... (smile now )
go to some place and write.(Peace in mind)

In a rainy day a cosy home is the aim of a writer to write.

~happy writing~

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

"writer's life is really interesting"

it was not my thought, it was my action to create rain over the paper with my words...
Yes the day was cloudy and cool. I listened the morning welcoming song of a cock(really I surprised as it is unusual in the heart of my city Bhubaneswar). I felt myself in my lovely countryside. The images of my childhood danced before me. It was not the dream truly as I was visualising with open eyes. In the deep silence I remembered once again that, I have left my childhood from ages with black and white pictures and the greeneries of village life. Ah! my creativity chocked and sighed . Any poetry may help I thought ,but switched on the TV for morning news and again the halla-gulla filled up my heart.
Oh! where , where is the peace, the serenity, the bliss!
I startled  and found my little home in morning silence itself creating images of deep sleep in the eyes of my lovely daughter. Brighter aspects and achievements... hmm I have not gifted her the village serenity , but given her the life of city. Yes, good , the steps of achievement will begin from little city to the country of dollars. I have succeeded and satisfied my mind said.
I left everything in that point and went on searching my journal to have a look. I had no time to put my thoughts there. I wished peace to enter my mind for creating an art, the poetry of streams, rain, greenery, and the blissful moments.

Monday, 17 July 2017

"writer's life is really interesting"

When nothing to write specifically

It is the evening. But it is not like any other evening. It is unique with its experience and peaceful silence except the song of rain. Rain was not here from last several days. Now it is a thing to be discussed everywhere from the roadside cafe to the five star hotels, from mother's kitchen to the father's office( of course in mother's office also, when mother is a working lady).
And look , I am experiencing the coolness moving slowly with touches of rain from the little space of my glass window. I just listened the sound of a busy restaurant from you tube and I imagined how some writer becomes fancy of writing in such environment. may be it pours inspiring elements to be filled in some novel or some poetry or prose piece.

I may get some ideas from the busy place, may be for some short story  I thought,  and now wishing to leave my chamber to destroy my depressing mood.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

The rain in my city
Its a wave you know,
full of happiness
remembering all the incidents with you.
Under the wild tree
your first mystic appearance
in the rain
compelled me to
put you in my poetry
as the only romantic character.
From that day
your each wish
became my wish
your each dream
  I tried to full fill.
I know you are satisfied.
You forgot the rain
and the past
where we struggled a lot.
the rain of this city
still sings the song
of that mystic painting
of your first appearance
turn our life and luck.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Sometimes problems knock your door to awake you. But, what is the size of problem? So, without loosing your patience you should strengthen your mind to face it. This is called life. Be brave to walk in life with your head high.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Writer's life

I always love to read ' how a writer writes and achieves'. It is my hidden interest to know the writers. On this journey I could know that, they all are more or less like us. They writes what they know and research wherever a story demands. That's all. But, important thing is , they writes and this is their penance. So, cheers...
Go on writing what you know, may it be in computer, paper, note book or in cards. But, important thing is first of all create the outline of the story like a perfect story teller.  Take little time and back to your school days to read grammar book and find ready made outlines and develop some story. That will definitely work.Write with love and interest as you are telling some story to your close friend.

~happy writing~

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


 I have come across different feed backs and advice about writing in the internet and many writers have given their experiences about writing . But, the important thing is no one can make you a writer, if you will not sit and write.  So, as your nursery classes you have to sit and write everyday , whatever you want. Don't see who are your audience or don't think who will publish your materials. Just for heaven's shake take a vow and go on writing to be a writer. Think it as your profession  and like a gardener plant everyday different tree or herbs in your literary world. One day you will find your world full of trees, herbs, flowers, fruits, and even you will find birds chirping there and animals wandering there with joy and peace.
Many people comment my writing as premature. But, for me writing is an art. And whether it is mature and premature it should not be decided. It depends on the heart of the reader what he or she found from the writing . The chief aim of the writer is to give some pleasure and feelings to the reader. If that aim is fulfilled nothing to argue and the writer as the king/queen of her/his world nothing to worry. This means not that he or she will write anything poisonous. I strongly in support of society and social rules. Rules are there to guide us for better living . So, it depends upon a writer how his or her writing will affect it.

However go on writing with God overhead.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

I can't die without writing a novel
I can't die without writing a novel

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...