Sunday, 29 September 2013

Discovering a new world
Everyday with You
I enters into a new world of beauty and passion.
Have You ever doubt it?
We are very close
and each day we takes a new path
to understand the meaning of life.
In Yours absence
I burn myself with disturbance of doubt:
People talk our closeness full of selfishness
what I never belief.
The rain outside, the song of tapping birds on my the roof of my home,
the moving clouds, the dancing trees,
the falling leafs,
the giggles of school children in play ground,
the faith of my husband,
the freshness of life around says,
Yours existence at each cell of my life.
No doubt we are really getting closer day by day
I feel the warmth of Yours touch
very close to my heart
and Yours voice gives me peace
in my closed eyes
to discover a new dream land.

Author Notes
Love is the only inspiration of my poem

© Sarojini Pattayat. All rights reserved,

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

my daughter is an inspiration
which I never accept
a guide, whom I never follow
a philosopher
whom I never acknowledge
a chirping bird
whom I never listen.

I am the worst mom in this earth.
But, I am proud.

Sarojini Pattayat.26/09/2013
bird tapping
on the top of roof
with her baby.

Baby bird now
with her tiny soft wing
looks at sky.

She has the
dreamy talking eyes
to feel love.

by sarojini pattayat.25/09/2013

Monday, 23 September 2013

the morning
passing with sweetness
of night.

by sarojini pattayat.24/09/2013

Sunday, 22 September 2013

What You are for me.(1)

You emerged,then disappeared in the present event.
What it mean? A hollowness, a vacuum , a  silent past.
It is true, everybody can live without everybody.
But, it is my own thought that each time bring your cute face before me to make me sad.

A home
without you is full of disastrous.
I have no interest to make them tidy.
I don't know why did my all strength  not supporting me,
an idleness around me looking days and nights to passed away slowly
without any word.

Yours voice in the mobile is only thing to give me a little solace,
I salute the unknown scientist who has made it easy to keep our relation warm;
Otherwise the telepathy, the single way to proof my existence in your moment.

I love you no doubt,
I know you also love me like the blue ocean loving the beach
But, the distance is too painful to bear.

The black cloud
the lightning
the song of rain
is no more sweet romantic,
Really I am inside the abode of grief .

by sarojini pattayat.22/09/2013.Sunday

Saturday, 21 September 2013

I have nothing to say about you.
Everything in this earth happens for a reason.
We meet and then walk away for a reason
We talk and love
We hate and remain in grief for a reason.
Reason you are almighty,
and now I am here for a reason
to surprise all my friends.

Friday, 20 September 2013

It is a wonder when you find yours own strength
The nature has poured everything in you
to inhale the most pleasant moment in your life.

Inside the disturbance and outside the shower of rain
whispers the moment is yours only.

The floating clouds, the peeping sun
everywhere the blessing
penetrating into life
The darkness is no more
you have discovered the way of life.
Amid the depression
words come as a mystic circle
for safety and strength.

I can not avoid grief or joy,
I have to choose in between
a path,
to walk with you.

I need your understanding
your love
your kindness
and care
Also the words
to flow in my vein and console my heart.

I need you and your moment
to fill your world
with fragrance of my soul
for ever and ever.

Amid the depression
I need you
to mingle in me
to face the darkness
and light a candle
for whole life.

By sarojini pattayat

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...