Sunday, 30 December 2012

She died after struggling with pain, death, darkness, thoughts, dreams.But, can any conscious citizen of this country can forget her? I think let human society wait for the proper justice of this heinous crime. I personally thanks to the media to highlight the situation.The Sunday issue of Indian express has focused the point.The writing of  Ravi Shankar[It's her War],Shampa Dhar-Kamath[A letter of apology to Indian Youth]  have focused to the points what are enough to change the thought process of we people.Now when a woman go out from her safest place, that may be her home, working place, hostel, she has to think so many things  relating to her security herself and this should be.She is enough to make a plan herself.So, let us welcome a new rising, new thought for safety, security  of the 50% of human resources for their active participation in the development process of our country.

Sarojini Pattayat.

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