Saturday, 27 June 2020


The path
We are walking together,
The life we are living together,
Can never upside down
For any foolish turn and twist,
As time passes like a river
With all purities and impurities
To make
Each day a golden day
Each night a dreamy land.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

I am in my office chamber and enjoying the tea. What more a writer want? But amid everything comes sudden halt, something wrong,  something like negative thoughts and happiness seems like a dream. But time never stops. It passes with lots of hope and promises.
Amid everything
I am queen of my own land.
I am the creator and destroyer.
So what prevents me!
Let's walk with time, which is the ultimate friend,  philosopher and guide. 

Guide of the journey - 1

It was a feeling...
Hoping for the best.
I was in the land of nightmares,
In search of  a silver lining.
Yeah ...
I don't the looser.
I discovered tiny dew drops there
with lot of colours .
I enjoyed
and wrote a verse.

He smiled. ..
I smiled back.
He said,
" never cry.
 If you will cry,
 I will leave . "
I asked, how will I stop it!
He answerd,  " just remember me and feel my presence. "
I discovered the unending journey and the bliss with Him.
 from that day I'm happy
And always hope for the best.

By Sarojini Pattayat.04/06/2014

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...