Monday, 30 March 2020

In problems


 In problems

  While analysing day to day problems in silence I surprised. Each problem is just an adventure. But, it is adventure for them who walks on and on , face the reality. Interesting thing is each problem has solution inside it.

Season stops their influence
in problems. ..
you remain with your self
alone  to focus and find
the way for an adventure .

Shrimati Sarojini Pattayat

It is a flue

Yes. But we have to be careful. The slogans of Government of each country to maintain social distance,  we should follow. We are the most intelligent creation of God. Ask yourself,  what is harm to be disciplined. Life is very important. We should take care of ourselves and family following each rule to win over this. Let's love life and this world. Let's make this world pollution free. Let's take diet to increase our immunity. Don't be  panic. Be calm. We are fighting with an invisible enemy. So we have to develop our invisible strength by positive thoughts and good diet.

Take care

Sunday, 29 March 2020

You are the awesome fighter

You will definitely think about the heading of my writing. Truly I am writing for my joy in such pandemic situation.  I am writing 'cause it will make me calm. Whole day I was listening Bhagbat Gita. Amid the great battle Arjun was in dilemma.  He was lucky enough to have a friend like Shri Krishna. The important point of whole conversation was how to achieve calmness,  peace and how to put yourself in the actions without any attachment,  and hope for the result.  We have to act ,may it be from mind ,thought or body. We can not stop our action.  But when our action will be free from ego, attachment and the dream of results it can be pure. SHRI Krishna inspired to focus over the action and joys of doing something.  And now in such battle like situation calmness can strengthen our inner Self to be discipline and think right thing.

Have a good and safe day.
Be calm and peaceful. 

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

the silence

amid silence city
fear of covid-19
almost engrosses the mind
with different images
of apprehensions.

its good to be brave
but, what about them
who have played such game
over human emotions!

most of the time
i have failed to know human being
really what they want!

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...