Thursday, 31 August 2017

Writer's life is really interesting

It is true for all to have  dream. I have also mine to match all in the literary world. First and foremost thing I want is peace and happiness through this art. Then comes finance and any other things to live a pleasurable life here.I want to finish  all my half errand. This is important than anything. I may die with half work. And this will make me more pathetic.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Writer's life is really interesting

 Living life is an art.
You have to use your intellect to get nectar out of it.
Your thought process should be under your control
 and you should choose as per your wish , how to get a good life.
 For this observe the situations , people
and create what you really want.
Prioritize your wants, take steps accordingly.
One after another with little effort you can achieve.
In every situation just give attention to yourself.
Rest your own intellect will do.
 It will work as a lighted candle.
You will no more remain in the darkness of gloom.
The sky has no limit.
It is you,
 who can take an enormous flight
 towards your goal and achievement.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Writer's life really interesting

If you are a writer  you will definitely wish to get story ideas and will remain with people to discover something interesting. Today I got something like this. It is about depression and  suicide. We were three, discussing about a teenager made suicide .My point of argument was why suicide? It is not the alluring sweet to enjoy. Second thing death is inevitable for each one in this earth. So, what is the reason to die without enjoying the God given life with what we have.If in this earth killers also enjoy a normal death, what is the point for taking a such deadly step.
Parents should talk to their children like friend and listen to them. They should spend their time with the children to train them about living in this earth and facing various problems  in every step.

Truly no one knows about the life after death. So, live this life with smile and enjoy each bit of it.

~happy life~
~happy writing~

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Writer’s life is really, interesting.

It is not my sole opinion. More or less, all advise to write each day. It is good to write to practice your craft and feel writer in your heart. But, fuel for writing is the inspiring elements you have to acquire each day. Today in the morning, I completed a short story. It is great. While writing short stories it is advisable to complete it at on go. My novel writing is not encouraging. I have outlined it and in vacation, I mean not taking yet any step. It is embarrassing. However, I will do it soon.

~happy writing~

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

writer's life is really interesting

About quitting the day job.
I should say it is not at all advisable to quit the day job for writing. Now you are not a professional. You have to fix your target and get published to attract your reader. Then if you are making money out of this , you may take a decision.

~happy writing~

Monday, 21 August 2017

Writer's life is really interesting

It is not at all depressing.  You have to write and this is what the life of a writer. You can write fiction and non-fiction to add a reward to your own achievement. You are your own guide in this path. You have to master the art. Believe me , once you are a writer , you can not easily leave this passion. It is a life, of course different from other. You can feel proud for this life.It is unique.

Happy writing

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...