Friday, 29 July 2016

Thought of approaching evening

what if
I will not think
about the past already over and burdened my thought with laughers and sorrows!
everything already happened, taught me to live a life.
The glimpses of childhood
the days in countryside,
the miracles of starry nights
and the howls of wolf of jangle,
everything still in my memory
to smile in leisure.
Living with smile is the only wish.
Freedom is the only sweet word ever a man can have.
Never misuse it .
It is the strength and peace as well as kindness.
Respect its feeling and help each other
to discover the joy of civilization.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

look into the world

the world is a ground where you have to take your own part to play.
like an artist merge with your art,
as you are the creation of light
and your wish is to meet the eternal peace and joy.
you can discover it with your own ability already planted in you
to discover and amaze.

don't fear for your sustainability...
you are here to step forward.
never feel you are alone and in darkness of sorrows and so many hurdles...
you can see the glimpses of hope still there waiting for you.
look into the world differently and be a joyful being
to achieve and smile.

You are really unique.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

even if inside Hesitations
we have to walk
with barrios without barrios
this is life.
keep walking...

we all are prisoner of course
in pursuit of eternal peace,
destroy horror
discover joy inside
How to write...

leaving all dream outside the garden of thought
focusing on the spell ' how to write...'
engrossed the soul each day to wake up  and sleep
inside the boring net of ' how to write'

if this will be the fate of a soul with great wish to be a writer,
century will pass, civilisation just burst and fade away
with smiling mock
the soul will never be a writer.

amid the swirling passion
the path here is the moments of glory,
open to all
for taking a generous flight,
may be a minute is enough in the coffee house
or under the shadow of coconut tree
enough is there in the chirping nature
to look and paint your canvas with pleasurable colours,
none here to break your cosmic dance
you are welcome for deep penance...

now you discover your heart bleeding
the creativity
a friend like,
for your pleasure and deserted silence.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

I don't know
what you really wish to do?
 time is stepping forward like a stallion
never to look back to support your dream and wishes,
you are your own destiny maker
your each move will add your happiness.

Saturday, 23 July 2016

wild tree

little sunshine over the green leafs,
over the soft petals of the yellow bud yet to open its eyes.
ah! the nature, always beautiful, inspiring, acceptable,
we are all part of it...

Saturday, 16 July 2016

It is not advisable to read every day ‘how to write?’
Thing is you have to write if you want to be a writer.
Write when your soul wants to share your feelings to the world
 like how you are talking with a friend.
Don’t hesitate, just go on telling, writing, and just share your emotion.
Don’t think to be a great writer, as you are already great...
you are open to the world, world will definitely listen you.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

none around

immersed boat
silent snowy mountain

none around
under the dead sky
to shed tear

Monday, 4 July 2016

Meditation helps.

Give 15minutes for meditation. It will relax you from your pressure. It is not a medicine . It is the way of giving little care to yourself, to your inner soul. Believe, it works. I don't wish you to think about God during meditation. Just enjoy it and think about your life and goal. Attract positive vibrations of this amazing world and relax.

drop by drop
accumulate the glitters of joy
as you are the creator's mysterious gift,
you are the power
your are the luck
never upset
you are born to win.

Saturday, 2 July 2016

In Leisure

 When in leisure
I listen my poetries
I feel my existence in this world
has a purpose.
Amid the darkness...
rays of hope spark
to put remarkable step ahead.

Its raining outside;
everywhere creativity sprouts;
Colours of life touching the darkness
support the nature to bloom again.

Its amazing...
mysterious also,
Life, mortals, and all arguments;
Putting every scrap in the question dustbin
soul desires to quench the thirst of bliss
in opaque.

Let me unveil...
my tires of vision,
where I have lift unsolved riddles,
listening poetries, the talk of my soul,
aromatic touches and wistful dream.

Now the longing is at the vanishing end.                         

  Free Verse

Friday, 1 July 2016

The rumbles and whispers

Cloud all over the sky;

In meadow

bugs are moving
for raindrops.

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...