Thursday, 21 April 2016

how can I...

how can I admit you as my possession?
time is enveloping me like a slow poison
I am meeting the evening star
over the horizon.
In my garden
lots of aroma...
roses are blooming mysteriously;
I am smelling the last event of life

Tuesday, 19 April 2016


Between us,
a fragment...
beyond the knowledge
to love and live.
A mysterious telepathy
each day killing
our soul.
A dream to cross the tulip garden
and cuddle you
your miss call
a downpour
in the wasteland.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

of course I know, she is not absconded. She may be in some valley in search of inspirations.
But, real joy will reach my heart
when she will describe her journey in some evening near the sea beach.
She had gifted me some red rose. Her gift always surprised me to smile in my dark chamber.
I want to describe everything, time is very less....
Let me first cross the milky way.

[c] sarojini pattayat
Everywhere the smell of desert
the hope is sleeping in the dream of water
alone we can't achieve...
unitedly human can survive.
Nature want the care and compassion,
Let's understand its bare feeling,
as we are its part and supreme
its our responsibility to adjust the grieves.
Under the sky
clouds are flying beyond our dream,
the anger of god to endure with patience...
To explore the life
may be the only goal
in the barbed wire
humming bird we are.
the life,
the dream of coolness,
will be the illusion...
 we destroy our conscience,
May be, still there is some hope
we can save our glittering civilization.

Friday, 15 April 2016

the pool

brought the memory of
the little pool of my village.
It was cool...
and full of childhood thoughts.
our hunger for more place
destroyed its sanctity.
a building is there,
and the pool is dancing in my dream

The chirps

 Listened the chirps of morning birds, waked up, life seemed easy... Life of a writer is not  easy. Writing is hard. Self doubts will make y...