Monday, 7 October 2013

How to live a life.

Have you ever find a friend roaming in search of you.Finding a good friend is very difficult in the present world.And people need sharing to live a good life.I experienced so many people in the meantime. Some are selfish, some express your feelings outside, and some wants you to fulfill their erotic desires.Then what way is left for you.You will find a cool night with loneliness, a warm day of selfish desires and all types of  lairs around you .Then how to live a day.

1. Go to the nature and look deeply.It still have a comfortable lap for you to sleep in peace and remain in the world of dream.
2.Find somebody very close to listen his/her problem.Don't avoid and don't disclose the secrets.This way you will find some relaxation.
3.Write down your feelings , read and re-read.
4.Read as many thing you can.
5. Read the heart of people.
6.Love everybody.
7. Be cool and don't fear anybody.

by sarojini pattayat.08/10/2013

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